I'm testing a fix I've done related to RAID device solidification for
regressions with RAID/LVM interaction, hit a stacktrace. Removed fix (*hugs*
RHupdates), retested and same issue occurs.
I kickstart (config attached), step through to partitioning screen I double
clicked on
LVM Volume Groups
> vg
and get the below stack.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/partition_gui.py", line 938, in treeActivateCb
File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/partition_gui.py", line 1045, in editCb
File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/partition_gui.py", line 1128, in editLVMVolumeGroup
origvgrequest, isNew)
File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/lvm_dialog_gui.py", line 987, in __init__
(self.lvmlist, sw) = self.createAllowedLvmPartitionsList(self.availlvmparts, self.origvgrequest.physicalVolumes, self.partitions, origvgrequest.getPreExisting())
File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/lvm_dialog_gui.py", line 315, in createAllowedLvmPartitionsList
partname = "md%d" % (request.raidminor,)
TypeError: int argument required
I believe the issue is related to the fact that if we are Auto/None for the
raidminor here and we're not testing for that. Carrying on the install without
trying to get the edit screen works happily. I can catch the TypeError (or explicitly test), but the later getRequestByDeviceName("Auto") is going to fail. The requests don't get minors until we do toEntry().
This is making me think do we need to look at how we currently track minors in partRequests.