I believe what's going on with this bug is that the VG editor is using
the sizes of the preexisting PVs (because they have not been deleted
yet) instead of the new PV request.
Crazy or not?
- Chris
Index: iw/lvm_dialog_gui.py
RCS file: /usr/local/CVS/anaconda/iw/lvm_dialog_gui.py,v
retrieving revision 1.46
diff -u -r1.46 lvm_dialog_gui.py
--- iw/lvm_dialog_gui.py 12 Mar 2005 03:01:54 -0000 1.46
+++ iw/lvm_dialog_gui.py 25 May 2005 17:53:10 -0000
@@ -308,13 +308,18 @@
sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
- for uid, size, used in alllvmparts:
+ for part in alllvmparts:
+ uid = part[0]
request = partitions.getRequestByID(uid)
if request.type != REQUEST_RAID:
partname = "%s" % (request.device,)
partname = "md%d" % (request.raidminor,)
+ size = request.getActualSize (partitions, self.diskset)
+ used = part[2]
# clip size to current PE
pesize = int(self.peCombo.get_active_value())
size = lvm.clampPVSize(size, pesize)
@@ -338,7 +343,11 @@
row = 0
- for uid, size, used in alllvmparts:
+ for part in alllvmparts:
+ uid = part[0]
+ request = partitions.getRequestByID(uid)
+ size = request.getActualSize(partitions, self.diskset)
# clip size to current PE
pesize = int(self.peCombo.get_active_value())
size = lvm.clampPVSize(size, pesize)