Hi all,
I'm looking for some advices regarding a pxe installation.
I need to force the speed/duplex of my NIC to get my installation working,
but for this, I have to pass options to my driver module. And I precisely
don't how to achieve this :/
To precise where the problem occurs:
I can get the kernel and initrd via tftp, but I'm stuck when trying to get
the kickstart file via nfs because of my NIC's speed/duplex.
Using a /etc/modules.conf in the initrd did not work, so I tried to tweak the
module-info file and set my options as the default ones:
I used the format in the comment of the module-info file stating:
# The version 0 module-info format is ('|' denotes the left margin):
# |<module-name>
# | <module-type> [<module-alias>]
# | "<description-string>"
# | <argument> "<argument-description-string>" ["<match-regex>" ["<default>"]]
# |# <comment>
but It did not work out, so I looked at the moduleinfo.c code, and precisely
the part parsing the argument line:
nextModule->args = realloc(nextModule->args,
sizeof(*nextModule->args) * (nextModule->numArgs + 1));
chptr = start;
while (!isspace(*chptr) && *chptr) chptr++;
if (*chptr) {
oldch = *chptr;
*chptr = '\0';
nextModule->args[nextModule->numArgs].arg = strdup(start);
start = chptr + 1;
while (*start && isspace(*start)) start++;
if (*start == '"') {
chptr = strchr(start, '"');
if (chptr) {
*chptr = '\0';
nextModule->args[nextModule->numArgs].description =
reading this I had the impression that the only thing that was parsed was:
<argument> "<argument-description-string>"
and that if you tried to put:
<argument> "<argument-description-string>" "<match-regex>" "<default>"
you would get:
in .arg: <argument>
in .description: <argument-description-string>" "<match-regex>" "<default>
so I tried to directly set the default values in the <argument> part (who knows)
but without success either :(
any ideas ?