Hello to everybody. Please help me. I have two SATA drives in a bios
fake raid0 on nVIDIA nForce3-250Gb with two partition NTFS for Win XP,
one ext3 as Linux root and one for Swap. In FC3 I use a PATA drive
with a little /boot partition and everything work OK (run dmraid –ay,
mount, chroot; I don't try to make a new initrd). Dmraid -ay creates
in /dev/mapper, devices for raid and the four partitions:
nvidia_jdabijfd, nvidia_jdabijfd1 … nvidia_jdabijfd4.
When I try go to FC5, anaconda fail with message "cannot mount
/dev/hdb2 as /" (hdb is the DVD-writer) even if I try to clear install
or upgrade. Looking in anaconda.log I observe then fail when it try
mount \dev\mapper\nvidia_jdabijfdp2 partition as "/" and pass at
mounting the hdb2 partition as "/", fail again because hdb is the
DVD-writer. Anaconda find correct the raid device and the partitions,
the properties of the partitions are corrects (in Disk druid), but the
name of the partition devices create from Anaconda differ of then
create from dmraid –ay whit a "p" suffix. The same things are happen
in case of Linux rescue DVD mode.
What can I do for installing or upgrading FC5?
Thanks in advance,
PS. The "p" suffix appears deliberate in Anaconda:
anaconda-10.91.16-1 - More consistency in dev naming for dmraid (pjones)
booty-0.66-1 - use "mapper/raidnamep0" for partition names instead
of "mapper/raidname0"