This is a patch that enables choosing a specific -logos package rather
then having dependency resolving pull in a package, and using it to
build the installer images which usually show whatever logos used,
Due to (recent) changes in the master branch, I have not yet been able
to test this specific changeset but it's derived from what I did against
the Fedora 9 branch to make rebranding work. I hope it shows the point
of what I'm trying to do and I'll rebase the patch later if necessary.
Consider this not yet ready for checkin if you will ;-)
The package sack for an initialized yum object is mostly populated with
more then one -logos package. Which of these packages is going to
satisfy the "system-logos" dependency is (at this moment at least) at
best an educated guess (Provides:, Obsoletes:, Conflicts: and/or a
significant NEVRA bump don't seem to help).
The patch let's one specify a specific -logos package using --logopkg to
the buildinstall script, which then excludes a certain set of other,
known -logos packages by means of adding a list to the "exclude="
parameter in the $yumconf used, and let's $LOGOPKG be used whereever
This relates to bugz 457378 and 457379 (although the former had been
fixed already), which were created when trying to have foobarbaz-logos
be the -logos package for the brand FooBarBaz Fedora derivative.
I think the alternative route is to do fu to the virtual
requires/provides mechanism that we have now with "system-logos", and
I'm not sure how we could make the one intended (right) package go in
that way.
Hope this helps,
Kind regards,
Jeroen van Meeuwen