Hello again,
First I would like to include new information to this topic. Yesterday I
installed using a local NFS server and the process that before took
nearly 2 hours, now took 30 seconds! So it is now obvious that the
problem we have is bandwidth. Nevertheless I still think this issue
should be fixed, we should not depend that the user is installing from a
fast local network.
I have been trying to understand anaconda source code but it has been
pretty complicated to follow the logical workflow, so please bear with
me if I have understood something wrong.
Apparently the place I have to work in to get the window "Install
Starting" (issue mentioned in my previous e-mails) to display a progress
bar is in the class DownloadHeaderProgress (I found the string of the
window in it). Looking at the class below it on the code, I found the
screen that comes before this one, the dependency check window. And now
comes my question, the depency check (class YumDepSolveProgress) calls:
window = intf.progressWindow(_("Dependency Check"),
_("Checking dependencies in
packages selected for installation..."),
1.0, 0.01)
And DownloadHeaderProgress calls:
window = intf.progressWindow(_("Install Starting"),
_("Starting install process. This
may take several minutes..."),
1.0, 0.01)
I went over to gui.py and text.py and looked at the progressWindow
method (that starts a ProgressWindow object), and apparently this class
was supposed to be a progress window (wow, I know :) ). Looking at the
similarities between YumDepSolveProgress and DownloadHeaderProgress, I
would expect that both of them would have progress bars (or so it was
what the developer MEANT to do). But in the end, just the dependency
check has a progress bar, the "Install Starting" window does not.
Is it supposed to be like this? Did I understood something wrong? I'm
still trying to understand the class ProgressWindow, if I'm right,
that's where I'll find the problem, but it has some classes that I don't
where it comes from (like TextboxReflowed and GridForm).
Thank you all,