I wanna to custom my own install ISO using CentOS6.0
I add task in installclassed/rhel.py just like this :
* (N_("MyOwn"),
["base", "core", "network-file-system-client",
"basic-desktop", "desktop-platform",
"general-desktop", "graphical-admin-tools", "input-methods",
"x11", "internet-broswer", "remote-desktop-clients",
* (N_("Basic Server"),
["base", "console-internet", "core", "debugging",
"directory-client", "hardware-monitoring", "java-platform",
"large-systems", "network-file-system-client",
"performance", "perl-runtime", "server-platform"]),
I doesn't work.
I installed this custom anaconda on my build system and copied it in
Packages dir
1. What do i have to do to add my own task ?
2. How to replace the default task "Minimal" ?
3. When installing rhel6 with this custom iso, there is an error on running
SELinux: Could not open policy file <=
/etc/selinux/targeted/policy/policy.24: No such file or directory
/sbin/load_policy: can't load policy: No such file or directory
and after installation finished, user can't log in with error "login: no
shell: permission denied "
after some google, i found it's the SELinux problem. Any trick ?