Shares most of the code with WelcomeLanguageSpoke and
transfers the selection ListView and label between the
two display variants as needed.
pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/ | 110 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.ui | 63 +++++++++++++++++++-
2 files changed, 153 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/ b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/
index b80ccb9..741d291 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/
+++ b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/
@@ -23,33 +23,34 @@ import sys
import gettext
_ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)
+N_ = lambda x: x
from gi.repository import AnacondaWidgets, Gtk
from pyanaconda.ui.gui.hubs.summary import SummaryHub
-from pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes import StandaloneSpoke
+from pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes import StandaloneSpoke, NormalSpoke
from pyanaconda.ui.gui.utils import enlightbox
+from pyanaconda.ui.gui.categories.localization import LocalizationCategory
from pyanaconda.localization import Language, LOCALE_PREFERENCES
from pyanaconda.product import productName, productVersion
from pyanaconda import xklavier
from pyanaconda import localization
-__all__ = ["WelcomeLanguageSpoke"]
+__all__ = ["WelcomeLanguageSpoke", "LanguageSpoke"]
-class WelcomeLanguageSpoke(StandaloneSpoke):
- mainWidgetName = "welcomeWindow"
- uiFile = "spokes/welcome.ui"
- preForHub = SummaryHub
- priority = 0
+class LanguageMixIn(object):
+ builderObjects = ["languageStore"]
- def __init__(self, *args):
- StandaloneSpoke.__init__(self, *args)
+ def __init__(self, labelName = "welcomeLabel",
+ viewName = "languageView", selectionName = "languageViewSelection"):
self._xklwrapper = xklavier.XklWrapper.get_instance()
self._origStrings = {}
+ self._labelName = labelName
+ self._viewName = viewName
+ self._selectionName = selectionName
def apply(self):
- selected = self.builder.get_object("languageViewSelection")
+ selected = self.builder.get_object(self._selectionName)
(store, itr) = selected.get_selected()
lang = store[itr][2]
@@ -87,8 +88,6 @@ class WelcomeLanguageSpoke(StandaloneSpoke):
return and != ""
def initialize(self):
- StandaloneSpoke.initialize(self)
store = self.builder.get_object("languageStore")
# TODO We can use the territory from geoip here
@@ -106,8 +105,7 @@ class WelcomeLanguageSpoke(StandaloneSpoke):
self._selectLanguage(store, self.language.preferred_translation.short_name)
def retranslate(self):
- StandaloneSpoke.retranslate(self)
- welcomeLabel = self.builder.get_object("welcomeLabel")
+ welcomeLabel = self.builder.get_object(self._labelName)
if not welcomeLabel in self._origStrings:
self._origStrings[welcomeLabel] = welcomeLabel.get_label()
@@ -116,11 +114,25 @@ class WelcomeLanguageSpoke(StandaloneSpoke):
xlated = _(before) % (productName.upper(), productVersion)
- def refresh(self):
- StandaloneSpoke.refresh(self)
+ def refresh(self, displayArea):
store = self.builder.get_object("languageStore")
+ # Rip the label and language selection window
+ # from where it is right now and add it to this
+ # spoke.
+ # This way we can share the dialog and code
+ # between Welcome and Language spokes
+ langList = self.builder.get_object("languageWindow")
+ langList.get_parent().remove(langList)
+ langLabel = self.builder.get_object("pickLanguageLabel")
+ langLabel.get_parent().remove(langLabel)
+ content = self.builder.get_object(displayArea)
+ content.pack_start(child = langLabel, fill = True, expand = False, padding = 0)
+ content.pack_start(child = langList, fill = True, expand = True, padding = 0)
def _addLanguage(self, store, native, english, setting):
store.append([native, english, setting])
@@ -133,7 +145,7 @@ class WelcomeLanguageSpoke(StandaloneSpoke):
if not itr:
- treeview = self.builder.get_object("languageView")
+ treeview = self.builder.get_object(self._viewName)
selection = treeview.get_selection()
path = store.get_path(itr)
@@ -142,7 +154,8 @@ class WelcomeLanguageSpoke(StandaloneSpoke):
# Signal handlers.
def on_selection_changed(self, selection):
(store, selected) = selection.get_selected_rows()
- self.window.set_may_continue(len(selected) > 0)
+ if hasattr(self.window, "set_may_continue"):
+ self.window.set_may_continue(len(selected) > 0)
if selected:
lang = store[selected[0]][2]
@@ -150,6 +163,27 @@ class WelcomeLanguageSpoke(StandaloneSpoke):
+class WelcomeLanguageSpoke(LanguageMixIn, StandaloneSpoke):
+ mainWidgetName = "welcomeWindow"
+ uiFile = "spokes/welcome.ui"
+ builderObjects = LanguageMixIn.builderObjects + [mainWidgetName, "betaWarnDialog"]
+ preForHub = SummaryHub
+ priority = 0
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ StandaloneSpoke.__init__(self, *args)
+ LanguageMixIn.__init__(self)
+ def retranslate(self):
+ StandaloneSpoke.retranslate(self)
+ LanguageMixIn.retranslate(self)
+ def refresh(self):
+ StandaloneSpoke.refresh(self)
+ LanguageMixIn.refresh(self, "welcomeWindowContentBox")
# Override the default in StandaloneSpoke so we can display the beta
# warning dialog first.
def _on_continue_clicked(self, cb):
@@ -163,3 +197,41 @@ class WelcomeLanguageSpoke(StandaloneSpoke):
StandaloneSpoke._on_continue_clicked(self, cb)
+class LanguageSpoke(LanguageMixIn, NormalSpoke):
+ mainWidgetName = "languageSpokeWindow"
+ uiFile = "spokes/welcome.ui"
+ builderObjects = LanguageMixIn.builderObjects + [mainWidgetName, WelcomeLanguageSpoke.mainWidgetName]
+ category = LocalizationCategory
+ icon = "accessories-character-map-symbolic"
+ title = N_("LANGUAGE")
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ NormalSpoke.__init__(self, *args)
+ LanguageMixIn.__init__(self)
+ def retranslate(self):
+ print "retranslate"
+ NormalSpoke.retranslate(self)
+ LanguageMixIn.retranslate(self)
+ def refresh(self):
+ NormalSpoke.refresh(self)
+ LanguageMixIn.refresh(self, "languageSpokeWindowContentBox")
+ @property
+ def completed(self):
+ # The language spoke is always completed, as it does not require you do
+ # anything. There's always a default selected.
+ return True
+ @property
+ def status(self):
+ selected = self.builder.get_object(self._selectionName)
+ (store, itr) = selected.get_selected()
+ return store[itr][0]
diff --git a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.ui b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.ui
index 0d64ffc..655f9f7 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.ui
+++ b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.ui
@@ -119,6 +119,15 @@ OS you can rely on. It's for testing purposes only.</property>
+ <child>
+ <placeholder/>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <placeholder/>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <placeholder/>
+ </child>
<property name="expand">True</property>
@@ -133,6 +142,58 @@ OS you can rely on. It's for testing purposes only.</property>
<action-widget response="1">continueButton</action-widget>
+ <object class="AnacondaSpokeWindow" id="languageSpokeWindow">
+ <property name="startup_id">filler</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+ <property name="startup_id">filler</property>
+ <signal name="back-clicked" handler="on_back_clicked" swapped="no"/>
+ <child internal-child="main_box">
+ <object class="GtkBox" id="AnacondaSpokeWindow-main_box1">
+ <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+ <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+ <property name="spacing">6</property>
+ <child internal-child="nav_area">
+ <object class="GtkGrid" id="AnacondaSpokeWindow-nav_area1">
+ <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+ <property name="margin_left">6</property>
+ <property name="margin_right">6</property>
+ <property name="margin_top">6</property>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child internal-child="alignment">
+ <object class="GtkAlignment" id="AnacondaSpokeWindow-alignment1">
+ <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+ <property name="yalign">0</property>
+ <property name="xscale">0</property>
+ <property name="yscale">0.5</property>
+ <child internal-child="action_area">
+ <object class="GtkBox" id="languageSpokeWindowContentBox">
+ <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+ <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+ <property name="spacing">6</property>
+ <child>
+ <placeholder/>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">True</property>
+ <property name="fill">True</property>
+ <property name="position">1</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <placeholder/>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ </object>
<object class="GtkListStore" id="languageStore">
<!-- column-name nativeName -->
@@ -174,7 +235,7 @@ OS you can rely on. It's for testing purposes only.</property>
<property name="xscale">0</property>
<property name="yscale">0.5</property>
<child internal-child="action_area">
- <object class="GtkBox" id="welcomeWindow-actionArea">
+ <object class="GtkBox" id="welcomeWindowContentBox">
<property name="can_focus">False</property>
<property name="orientation">vertical</property>
<property name="spacing">6</property>