Hi everyone. In the cloud sig, we want to be able to build official Fedora
docker base images. There are a number of advantages if we could do this
using anaconda as the primary tool for that -- first, we hope to get koji
integration basically for free with the upstream work, and second, using a
well-known and well-supported tool rather than some one-off which becomes
I'd like to create a fedora feature for this, but I, um, don't intend to
actually do any of the coding. I can talk about what's needed until I turn
blue, though, and test things and so on. Would anyone like to raise their
hand to help?
Basically, we need something that:
- takes a kickstart in
- outputs a tarball of /
and it needs some of the things already in progress or done (install without
a kernel, install with reduced docs and langs). More specifically:
* install without swap or any other partitioning (easy, I think)
* install without any bootloader (should be done)
* install with no docs (ditto)
* don't add any packages not in the explictly-given package set + rpm reqs
Nice to Have:
We do a number of things in the image kickstart `%post` that could be
handled by the tool directly. This would make it easier for end users
to make their own images without complicated kickstarts.
* Create /dev/tty1 and /dev/loop# devices statically
* soft-link /dev/tty1 to /dev/console
* anonymize images with no /var/lib/random-seed or other supposed-to-be-
unique elements (/etc/hosts?)
* disable /tmp on tmpfs
* anaconda run in its non-vm mode to reduce build time and resources.
In fact, it'd be ideal to be able to run this _inside a docker
Matthew Miller -- Fedora Project -- <mattdm(a)fedoraproject.org>