First of all sorry for long email, but I have been trying out things for
two days. I am setting up cobbler for kickstarting machines with *our own
updates yum repo* and while kickstarting (centos 6.7 and also 6.5) anaconda
fails at dbus-1.2.24-7 installation with error,
*A fatal error occurred when installing the <rpm.hdr object at
0x7fef65f96ed0> package. *
This is already been noticed and raised and workaround suggested,
- https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=8171 (centos bug)
- http://serverfault.com/questions/659252/centos-6-6-
- ... there are many more. *But *all are suggesting to disable updates
repo (or alteast --excludepkgs glibc) as workaround, and it worked for me
too but that not fix just workaround.
I further checked the apache logs (of yum) it appears that all the
requests has been made to the ISO repo/source-1 (GET
/cblr/links/centos6_7-x86_64/Packages/...rpm) and not a single call is
made to the updates repo mirror (I was expecting GET
/cobbler/repo_mirror/our_updates_repo/..rpm). This made me think that the
updates repo is not enabled by anaconda. So I made sure to set the
.treeinfo :), and with ctrl+alt+f2 I entered into cmd prompt, and started
checking logs.
- yum.log: Has so many lines "marking An_rpm_in_updates_repo as install
for An_rpm_in_main_repo"
- Checked history
shows the following repos were enabled
- anaconda-CentOS-201xxxxxx86_64
- source-1
- out_updates_repo
- ps -ef shows
- /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/anaconda --stage2
--kickstart /tmp/ks.cfg ..... --repo
i am still not sure about updates repo enabled or not and if enabled why it
isn't pulling the rpms ?
Here is a another cobbler which is working fine making requests to
our_updates_repo is called during anaconda installation,
HTTP/1.1" 206 24160*
HTTP/1.1" 206 6956*
HTTP/1.1" 206 217940*
HTTP/1.1" 206 69628*
HTTP/1.1" 206 101588*
*GET /cobbler/repo_mirror/our-updates-6_5/bash-4.1.2-15.el6_5.2.x86_64.rpm
HTTP/1.1" 206 46364*
Can someone help in understanding how the packages are installed ? Is
there a way I can install by hand (I tried downloading the rpms and running
rpm -ivh which is not helping). Any ideas why rpms are not pulled from the
updates repo ?
anaconda version : 13.21.215
Thanks in advance