yes! It works right now. :)
And what's the difference between these two branch?
<jkonecny(a)> 于2019年11月6日周三 下午4:36写道:
> Ohh, I've missed that you are trying to create the addon on CentOS-7.
> Right now, you are using master branch which is for Fedora Rawhide. For
> CentOS-7 you have to use rhel7-branch
> Try to use this and see if it will help you.
> On Wed, 2019-11-06 at 16:20 +0800, edsionte wrote:
> Thanks your reply,
> “inst.updates=hd:/sdb4:/images/updates.img ” was my writing error,sorry
> for that.
> Actually, I used "inst.updates=hd:sdb4:/images/updates.img" as you said
> above, and the menu hasn't new category.
> I have read :
> pyanaconda/ui/categories/
> pyanaconda/ui/categories/
> After comparing with these files, I found that
> “hello-world-anaconda-addon/org_fedora_hello_world/categories/”
> are missing the following lines:
> *displayOnHubGUI="SummaryHub"*
> *displayOnHubTUI="SummaryHub"*
> *sortOrder = 100*
> displayOnHubGUI default value is* none*.
> The comment in the code says that if this value is none, then this
> category will not be displayed.
> SO I add these lines in
> “hello-world-anaconda-addon/org_fedora_hello_world/categories/”.
> but, when the installer runs, click Continue button in Welcome page(chosse
> language), there is a error message page,
> and the* More Info* is shown:
> */usr/lib64/python2.7/sit-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/hubs/,
> line 132, in _createBox()*
> * spoke=spokeClass(,, self.payload, self.instclass)*
> *……………………*
> *TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 4 arguments (5 given)*
> Now, what should I do next ?
> :(
> <jkonecny(a)> 于2019年11月6日周三 下午3:48写道:
> Hello,
> You should use:
> inst.updates=hd:/dev/sdb4:/images/updates.img
> or
> inst.updates=hd:sdb4:/images/updates.img
> For more info please see:
> It's using the same syntax as inst.updates.
> Best Regards,
> Jirka
> On Wed, 2019-11-06 at 13:25 +0800, edsionte wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to test my first “hello word” Anaconda addon program.
> Firstly, I use this source code (
> <…>)
> , and make a outfile updates.img.
> Then, I made a USB boot disk (CentOS 7.4), and placed updates.img into the
> directory “images/” of boot disk.
> Then I used inst.updates=hd:/sdb4:/images/updates.img boot option, There
> isn't a new helloworld Category on the installation menu.
> Is there anything wrong with steps above?
> Thanks.
> edison
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Hi all,
I want to test my first “hello word” Anaconda addon program.
Firstly, I use this source code (
, and make a outfile updates.img.
Then, I made a USB boot disk (CentOS 7.4), and placed updates.img into the
directory “images/” of boot disk.
Then I used inst.updates=hd:/sdb4:/images/updates.img boot option, There
isn't a new helloworld Category on the installation menu.
Is there anything wrong with steps above?
Hi all,
I want to test my first “hello word” Anaconda addon program.
Firstly, I use this source code (
, and make a outfile updates.img.
Then, I made a USB boot disk (CentOS 7.4), and placed updates.img into the
directory “images/” of boot disk.
Then I used inst.updates=hd:/sdb4:/images/updates.img boot option, There
isn't a new helloworld Category on the installation menu.
Is there anything wrong with steps above?