I'm building an updated Fedora Core 3 installation CD set.
Built it.
When I try to install from it I get :-
Traceback(most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/anaconda", line 359, in? import dispatch File "/usr/lib/anaconda/dispatch.py", line 19, in? from packages import readPackages, checkDependency, doInstall File "usr/lib/anaconda/packages.py", line 29, in? import fsset File "usr/lib/anaconda/fsset.py", line 857, in? fileSystemTypeRegister(HfsPlusFileSystem()) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/fsset.py", line 852, in __init__
self.partedFileSystemType=parted.file_system_type_get("hfs+") parted.error: unknown file system type install exited abnormally
I'm using anaconda- and same ver. of anaconda-runtime to buildinstall etc.
Could somebody tell me why i'm getting this and how to resolve it.
P.S. - And isn't HFS a Mac filesystem.I'm using x86(P4). :-|
"(0x2b || !0x2b) that is the question!"
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