Hi All:
Here is a quick howto: Grab a usb flash drive, I chose a superstore core micro 2gb cost $11.19 cdn, no endorsement just the closest to my house.
Insert the drive in to the usb port, mine became usb0 on the desktop, which is sdb1 in /dev. umount it, umount /dev/sdb1.
toggle the bootable flag with fdisk, umount again.
grab: http://members.shaw.ca/jvonau/pub/mkusbinstall
run my mkusbinstall with: mkusbinstall <path/to/iso> /dev/path
This creates a boot-able usb-drive based on the boot-able iso filename that was given. If you used a stock fedora boot.iso as the source, you could now boot the flash drive and do any installs except for harddrive based installs. To preform a "usb drive" based install you would need to use disc1 as the source and then copy over disc2-5 to the /iso on the drive. Patches welcome to enable an auto copy of the rest.
With the kickstart file that I use, only about 500 packages are used by on disc1 and disc2, so I get away with the 2gb drive. If your usb size is large enough and have a filesystem to support it, I see no reason that you couldn't use the whole set, or use a dvd as the source.
For XS, the plan is for one cd sized install disk so this should be no issue then. Just curious if pungi has to produces an iso that is larger that a cd then this should work anyway. Just can't burn the image to cdrom, just now it's a "dvd.iso" but still loopback mountable right? I'll play around later...