I've tagged and pushed the 3.0 version of pykickstart to github. I've also made a copr available with a build in it:
I'll be doing this periodically as I continue working on this branch. I'm targeting merging it into Fedora proper after F24 is done. I think that should give people enough time to adapt their code to the new ways of doing things.
- Chris
On Fri, 2016-03-04 at 16:40 -0500, Chris Lumens wrote:
I've tagged and pushed the 3.0 version of pykickstart to github. I've also made a copr available with a build in it:
I'll be doing this periodically as I continue working on this branch. I'm targeting merging it into Fedora proper after F24 is done. I think that should give people enough time to adapt their code to the new ways of doing things.
If you're targeting F25, I'd say in many ways it would make sense to land it into Rawhide earlier. The whole point of the 'no frozen Rawhide' setup, with releases branching before Alpha, was to allow for this: so you could land stuff targeted for a future release much further ahead of time and have more time to work on it. Worth considering anyhow? -- Adam WilliamsonFedora QA Community MonkeyIRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . nethttp://www.happyassassin.net
If you're targeting F25, I'd say in many ways it would make sense to land it into Rawhide earlier. The whole point of the 'no frozen Rawhide' setup, with releases branching before Alpha, was to allow for this: so you could land stuff targeted for a future release much further ahead of time and have more time to work on it. Worth considering anyhow?
Potentially. For anyone who is using pykickstart as a library (so, subclassing things it provides, adding their own commands, etc.) the version of pykickstart in the copr is incompatible. It'll just traceback all over the place. I wanted to give everyone a heads up this was coming without having to ship two different versions of pykickstart. Thus, my current plan of all the DeprecationWarnings on the version in rawhide and the shiny new version in copr.
But I'd entertain other approaches. I've tried to not screw people over with pykickstart library changes in the past, which is why I was playing it safe here.
- Chris