Recently, a change was made to which has the bootloader install taking place before "post-installation setup tasks". This has resulted in a problem:
The problem has been mostly "fixed" by modifying grubby to handle the situation. While the result sort-of works (I can boot), I consider that there is still a problem which (most likely) can only be handled in anaconda:
1. The order of grub2 menuentry is now rescue-kernel then regular-kernel rather than the usual order of regular-kernel then rescue kernel.
2. The value for the default kernel is incorrectly set so that, when you boot up, the default is the first kernel ... the rescue kernel.
To me, this is wrong and should be fixed.
Question: what is the purpose of changing the order of when the bootloader is installed?
On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 4:39 PM, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
Recently, a change was made to which has the bootloader install taking place before "post-installation setup tasks". This has resulted in a problem:
Can we discuss this in one place? Right now we have a thread here, on -patches, and in the bug.
Question: what is the purpose of changing the order of when the bootloader is installed?
It was necessary for OSTree because it wants to own the bootloader configuration; that's how atomic updates work. So Anaconda writes an empty bootloader configuration, then calls into ostree to write it, passing arguments like root=.
With traditional package installs, anaconda has duplicate logic with grubby for writing kernel configuration. It's tricky to fix with traditional because grubby is called deep down via RPM %post, so it's hard for Anaconda to pass it the data only it has like the value of root=. Might still be worth trying to unify. Maybe environment variables?
But I don't fully understand yet how this bug was introduced because AFAICS, yumpayload's postInstall() basically just does some cleanup and sets the systemd default target, so its ordering shouldn't matter WRT to the bootloader.