Hi, I want to mount my root drive and transfer files over to another box in rescue mode. If I configure the network using the text interface provided after the rescue mode is selected the speed of transfer is great. But if I answer no to that question and go to a shell and type ifconfig eth0 {IP} up and then do the transfer the speed is terrible. I am not very knowledgable about Python, but in rescue.py of stage2.img in /usr/lib/anaconda, what is so different if we configure the network here or later at the shell?
Here is the snippet of code I am referring to :
def runRescue(instPath, mountroot, id):
for file in [ "services", "protocols", "group", "joe", "man.config", "nsswitch.conf", "security" ]: os.symlink('/mnt/runtime/etc/' + file, '/etc/' + file)
###### This is the section ###### # see if they would like networking enabled if not methodUsesNetworking(id.methodstr): screen = SnackScreen()
while 1: rc = ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Setup Networking"), _("Do you want to start the network interfaces on " "this system?"), [_("Yes"), _("No")])
if rc != string.lower(_("No")): intf = RescueInterface(screen)
# need to call sequence of screens, have to look in text.py # # this code is based on main loop in text.py, and if it # or the network step in dispatch.py change significantly # then this will certainly break # pyfile = "network_text" classNames = ("NetworkDeviceWindow", "NetworkGlobalWindow")
lastrc = INSTALL_OK step = 0 dir = 1
while 1: s = "from %s import %s; nextWindow = %s" % \ (pyfile, classNames[step], classNames[step]) exec s
win = nextWindow()
if classNames[step] == "NetworkDeviceWindow": args = (id.network, dir, intf, 0) else: args = (id.network, dir, intf) rc = apply(win, (screen, ) + args)
if rc == INSTALL_NOOP: rc = lastrc
if rc == INSTALL_BACK: step = step - 1 dir = - 1 elif rc == INSTALL_OK: step = step + 1 dir = 1
lastrc = rc
if step == -1: ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Cancelled"), _("I can't go to the previous step " "from here. You will have to try " "again."), buttons=[_("OK")]) elif step >= len(classNames): break
startNetworking(id.network, intf) break else: break
screen.finish() #### end of section ###
if (not mountroot): print print _("When finished please exit from the shell and your " "system will reboot.") print os.system("/bin/sh") sys.exit(0)
# lets create some devices iutil.makeDriveDeviceNodes()
# need loopback devices too for lpminor in range(8): dev = "loop%s" % (lpminor,) isys.makeDevInode(dev, "/dev/" + dev)
screen = SnackScreen() intf = RescueInterface(screen)
# prompt to see if we should try and find root filesystem and mount # everything in /etc/fstab on that root rc = ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Rescue"), _("The rescue environment will now attempt to find your " "Linux installation and mount it under the directory " "%s. You can then make any changes required to your " "system. If you want to proceed with this step choose " "'Continue'. You can also choose to mount your file systems " "read-only instead of read-write by choosing 'Read-Only'." "\n\n" "If for some reason this process fails you can choose 'Skip' " "and this step will be skipped and you will go directly to a " "command shell.\n\n") % (instPath,), [_("Continue"), _("Read-Only"), _("Skip")] )
if rc == string.lower(_("Skip")): screen.finish() print print _("When finished please exit from the shell and your " "system will reboot.") print os.execv("/bin/sh", [ "-/bin/sh" ])
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Sameer.