I am building a latest CentOS5 and every newest stuff is ready. All are in directory "/linux/CentOS/5-respin/os/x86_64". My OS is CentOS5 too. I want to add some other pictures during installation process, so anaconda adjustment is needed. When I run command "anaconda --test --method=hd://linux/CentOS/5-respin/os/x86_64", a error message followed: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/sbin/anaconda", line 702, in ? for i in os.listdir("/mnt/runtime/usr/sbin"): OSError: [Errno 2] There is no such file or directory: '/mnt/runtime/usr/sbin' Which option should I added? Did I forgot something else? Is there anyway to fix it? Thanks in advance.