furthermore to my post "Very weird harddisk stuff....": The hd*->sd* was explained to me. It seems a kernel upgrade causes this, and it is 'normal'.
Still, I am faced with the 'locking' error. At least, that's the idea I get.
I build my auto installer, and use a few kickstarts. The kickstarts itself are fine, the partitioning just go wrong with the newer versions of anaconda (the FC4 distro one worked fine).
The ALT+F3 gives "formatting swap as swap". Then it stops. The main screen (F1, blue), gives "error initializing sda5" (the swap device).
It will not go further. I tried many things, to no luch...
Does anyone have an idea where this could go wrong? what could cause this? I'm out of idea's. Maybe missing some deps?
PS: I tried it with several drives, and several systems. All the same result.
Thanks guys!