Not sure if this belongs here or the kickstart list but I'm trying to figure out whats crashing the installer when I try kickstarting with some custom rpms. I've narrowed it down to not signing my packages. If I recompile with a proper signature, anaconda installs them fine. If I don't, it just segfaults and everything dies.
Are package signatures now required for all rpms?
I couldn't find any mention in the release notes or anaconda ChangeLog, and these same rpms/specfiles worked in my Core 2 kickstart.
On a related note I'm finding the lack of documentation really time consuming. I just discovered a few more kickstart options by downloading the anaconda src rpm, installing it, extracting the tarball, and reading the ChangeLog. Which doesn't strike me as the most efficient way to get at this information.
Has anyone considered writing an updated customization guide? Or do RHEL users get access to proper documentation I'm just not seeing...
On Tue, Nov 23, 2004 at 11:59:58AM +0000, Matthew Kent wrote:
On a related note I'm finding the lack of documentation really time consuming. I just discovered a few more kickstart options by downloading the anaconda src rpm, installing it, extracting the tarball, and reading the ChangeLog. Which doesn't strike me as the most efficient way to get at this information.
Well, there's this:
I agree, more documentation would be helpful. But at least now there *is* a changelog.
On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 15:55:28 -0800 (PST), Scott Dowdle wrote:
Here's what I do:
- Copy FC3 install directory tree from DVD to hard drive
- Replace outdated packages with updates
- Run genhdlist to make it a workable NFS install tree
Prior to FC3 I just ran:
/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/genhdlist /path/to/install/tree
Could you please give me more info about --fileorder and tell me what worked for you?
Here is what worked for me:
setenv PYTHONPATH /usr/lib/anaconda /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/pkgorder /big/FC3 i386 Fedora > /tmp/pkglist
sudo /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/genhdlist --fileorder /tmp/pkglist --withnumbers --productpath Fedora /big/FC3
/big/FC3 is the location of the FC3 DVD.