On Nov 29, 2012, at 6:26 AM, Steve Allen allen@doobie.itdl.ds.boeing.com wrote:
Chris Murphy lists@colorremedies.com wrote:
On Nov 27, 2012, at 12:58 PM, Brian C. Lane bcl@redhat.com wrote:
I think that much of this could be fixed by documentation and glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph for each one.
Because you used the word glossy, I'm going to assume this whole paragraph is hyperbole. That this much effort would be necessary to describe UI function would by my definition make the UI a hostile user experience.
I suspect Brian may be a geezer. His reference comes from Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant.
Yeah fine, and therefore no one is going to read this documentation because all users are effectively blind judges.
Chris Murphy