Hi guys,
sorry to keep bothering you ;) but, I ran into another problem.
I had this once before, when I tried to use the latest anaconda on FC4, which failed miserably. I therefore decided to upgrade my distro-building system + my distro-cd to FC6. Gotten far, but now constantly get that it could not initialize the SWAP partition.
I read some more (again) on kickstart config files, and decided to add a few --ondisk's... That got me a little further: It now gives me:
"Specified nonexistent disk hda in clearpart command".
Which is weird, cause my HDD should be HDA. It is a (P)ATA drive, on my primairy IDE channel, configed as master. Now, I enter debug mode and type a "dmesg | grep hd". It shows some SCSI device, sda, 80GB, which seems like my HDD.
However, if I run my kickstart for SD* (SATA drives), so with single SCSI/SATA drives (sda), it fails as well. Can not initialize swap. Alt+F4 gives some crap, stack backtrace (cant read all of it) something about mutex_lock, "but_mask is already holding lock", etc.
If I look at the dmesg again, I see all sorts of crap too: ATA: abnora status 0x7F onj port x0010177... ACPI error, createfield of length zero..... / method parse-execution failed, etc...
I also tried another disk, same result.
My questions are: 1. How to resolve the errors above? 2. Why does it see a drive that is supposed to be HDA as SDA??
Once again, many many thanks!