If Anaconda was started without network configured the netdev object does not have a bootproto set. The patch ensures that bootproto is set for the dhcp case. In the static case the ui requires the user to enter ip information.
tag: anaconda-2008032601 user: Elliot Peele http://issues.rpath.com/ files: iw/netconfig_dialog.py
when dhcp is selected ensure that bootproto is set to dhcp (RPL-2301)
diff -r 3e60e4b058e2 -r bcba0cd916c1 iw/netconfig_dialog.py --- a/iw/netconfig_dialog.py Wed Mar 26 16:02:08 2008 -0400 +++ b/iw/netconfig_dialog.py Wed Mar 26 16:03:44 2008 -0400 @@ -165,6 +165,7 @@
# FIXME: need to do input validation if self.xml.get_widget("dhcpCheckbutton").get_active(): + netdev.set(('bootproto', 'dhcp')) self.window.hide() w = gui.WaitWindow(_("Dynamic IP"), _("Sending request for IP information "
On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 17:44 -0400, Elliot Peele wrote:
If Anaconda was started without network configured the netdev object does not have a bootproto set. The patch ensures that bootproto is set for the dhcp case. In the static case the ui requires the user to enter ip information.
Committed this one, thanks