Hey all, was referred here from some of the OS-specific -devel lists. I want to rebuild/replace the kernel used on the RH/CentOS boot media (the kernel the CD install process boots with and uses for HW detection, etc). I've found a few posts in your archives explaining how to go about this from a few years back:
http://www.redhat.com/archives/anaconda-devel-list/2003-March/msg00033.html http://www.techonthenet.com/linux/rh9_update.php
Are these instructions still for the most part relevant?
I'm pretty sure I can get the initrd/vmlinuz stuff rebuilt on the CD, but I'm not clear which kernel configuration to use from RH's kernel src.rpm. Did there used to be a -BOOT config? Should I use one of the -smp configs or is there a configuration elsewhere I should use to try and stay as close to possible to the RH "defaults" ?
Any other gotchas I should be aware of?
TIA, Ray