I'm trying to access partitions on the hard drive before the install re-formats them, but this leads to ImportError: No module named updates_disk_hook I presume because the partition is mounted by my %pre script, but the rest of kickstart continues in parallel? (In other words, not truly "pre", right? :-)
Instead should I be doing something before anaconda?, e.g. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda/ExtendingKickstart
thanks, jerry
On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Jerry Amundson jamundso@gmail.com wrote:
I'm trying to access partitions on the hard drive before the install re-formats them, but this leads to ImportError: No module named updates_disk_hook I presume because the partition is mounted by my %pre script, but the rest of kickstart continues in parallel? (In other words, not truly "pre", right? :-)
Instead should I be doing something before anaconda?, e.g. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda/ExtendingKickstart
I see now the above link is pretty old, and not likely to be the direction I'll go. Looking about for another solution now.
On Wed, 2014-06-11 at 10:03 -0500, Jerry Amundson wrote:
I'm trying to access partitions on the hard drive before the install re-formats them, but this leads to ImportError: No module named updates_disk_hook I presume because the partition is mounted by my %pre script, but the rest of kickstart continues in parallel? (In other words, not truly "pre", right? :-)
Such import error seems like a bug, mounting filesystems on some partitions shouldn't caused anything like that. Which version of anaconda are you using, how does your kickstart look and what is the full traceback (ideally the /tmp/anaconda-tb file)? Can you please file a bug report and provide as much info as you can?