In just a few weeks, the Fedora community in Latin America will hold a
major FUDCon event in Santiago, Chile, from July 15-17, 2010. You can
find all the details on our wiki:
Encouraging the growth of Fedora community around the world is
important to our project. That's why the responsibilities of the
Fedora Project Leader include lowering barriers and advocating for
involvement and participation. One of the ways the FPL does this is
by traveling to different community events and talking about the way
that Fedora works, and our dedication to sustainable community and
free software development.
So I'm very pleased and excited to announce that our new Fedora
Project Leader Jared Smith's first appearance at a community event
will be at the FUDCon in Santiago, Chile. In addition, just a few
days afterward Jared will attend the FISL 11 conference in Porto
Alegre, Brazil.
Both events represent a unique opportunity for the Fedora Project to
support our friends and extend our community in Latin America. As
always, the FUDCon event in Santiago is free and open to everyone to
register and attend. We look forward to seeing the community at these
You can find more information about Jared here:…
Paul W. Frields
gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717 - - - -
Where open source multiplies:
A leadership change is always momentous, and the Fedora Project is no
exception to this rule. I wanted to share some thoughts about being
the Fedora Project Leader, tell the community about the person who
will be taking over that role soon, and to let you know what to expect
over the next few weeks and months.
* * *
I joined the Fedora Project in 2003 so I could give something back to
a free software community from whose work I had benefited for a long
time. Fedora gave me the chance to bring my skills and experience and
use them to help people I'd never get a chance to meet personally. I
had no inkling at the time that one day I'd have the opportunity to
serve the community beyond helping write some documentation.
When Max Spevack called me in late 2007 to let me know he was
considering stepping down, and was interested in having me succeed him
as the Fedora Project Leader, I was surprised and humbled. It was a
once in a lifetime opportunity to both serve the community and to
contribute as an employee at Red Hat, where I had already made many
friends while working on Fedora -- an opportunity I was happy to take.
Over the past two and a half years, through many challenges and
changes, not once have I regretted that decision.
* * *
One of the hallmarks of Fedora leadership is that it's open to change.
The FPL is not a semi-benevolent dictator for life, but rather a
position to which new people can regularly bring their passion for
making Fedora better. And so, just as previous FPLs announced their
readiness to search for the next leader, I did so a few months ago, in
the spirit of openness and transparency that's a hallmark of the
Fedora community.
The FPL job is a salaried position at Red Hat, and the Fedora Board
members as well as many other stakeholders have been informed and
involved with the process of selecting a new FPL. The job posting
brought in numerous applicants from throughout the community. Through
the hiring process we identified a few best qualified candidates.
>From them the next FPL was selected, based on the qualifications and
experience our entire community expects. At every juncture during
that process, the panels were focused on the needs of the Fedora
Project, to ensure the next FPL would be a good listener, speaker, and
writer; thoughtfully consider solutions to difficult problems; and
most importantly, lead effectively.
So it's with great pleasure that I announce Jared Smith will be
joining Red Hat in a few weeks as the new Fedora Project Leader.
* * *
Some of our community already knows Jared, but I want to take a moment
to tell everyone a little more about his background. He doesn't like
to trumpet his own qualifications, but since he happens to be away on
personal business this week, I'll just do that for him. :-)
Jared's been a long-time user of both Red Hat and Fedora, and an
active participant in the the Fedora community since 2007. He's
primarily spent his time working with the infrastructure and
documentation teams. He's helped with the development of Fedora Talk,
our community VoIP telephony system. Fedora Talk allows various
Fedora developers and contributors to communicate verbally for free
across the internet.
Jared has also participated in community events such as various
FUDCons and Fedora Activity Days. In addition, he has assisted with
toolchain development, release materials, and steering duties as a
member of the Fedora Docs team.
Jared also brings a wealth of of both technical and community
relations expertise from his prior job history. His previous employer
is Digium, the commercial sponsor of the open source Asterisk
software. While at Digium, Jared worked as Community Relations
Manager, as well as an instructor, lecturer, and training department
Before working for Digium, Jared was a Network Operations Manager for
the web analytics company Omniture (since acquired by Adobe Systems),
where he managed a network of over 6,500 Linux machines. These
experiences as a speaker, evangelist, practitioner, and collaborator
make Jared exceptionally well suited for the position of FPL.
On a more personal note, I've come to know Jared well over the past
several years. He cares deeply about community and family, not the
least part of which is the Fedora community and family. His honesty,
integrity, good humor, patience, intelligence, and good old-fashioned
common sense will serve him and our growing community well, as we try
to take Fedora to the next level.
* * *
Although Jared is away on personal travel right now, Max and I have
already started including him in some important conversations, and the
community can expect additional exciting news shortly. Over the next
few months, part of my changing responsibilities in Red Hat will be to
ensure a smooth runway for Jared, as he takes over the duties of the
FPL job. Max Spevack will also continue to assist, especially where
his role as the manager of Red Hat's Community Architecture team
brings strategic benefits to the Fedora Project.
Over time, I expect to spend more time on work that's internal to Red
Hat, but I will continue to be involved in Fedora to some extent as an
individual contributor. That transition will allow Jared to
effectively bring his own vision and energy to Fedora, and I look
forward to helping him in whatever ways I can.
I hope the entire community will join me in welcoming Jared to Red Hat
as the FPL, and that you'll gift him with the support and friendship
I've enjoyed and treasured over the past two and a half years.
Paul W. Frields
gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717 - - - -
Where open source multiplies:
Dear Fellows,
if you plan to attend the FUDCon EMEA in Zurich September 17 - 19, 2010
- and want to pick up a pretty FUDCon-Shirt - designed by Maria (tatica)
Leandro - do not forget to register it at
The Deadline for ordering a FUDCon-Shirt is 2010-June-30 12:00 UTC!!!
After this you can still register yourself for FUDCon but we can not
assure you a Shirt matching your Size.
Kind Regards
Joerg Simon
Joerg (kital) Simon
Key Fingerprint:
3691 0989 2DCA 58A2 8D1F 2CAC C823 558E 5B5B 5688
Hash: SHA1
This announcement is a reminder that as of 2010-06-25, Fedora 11 has
reached its end of life for updates. As planned, last update pushes
to Fedora 11 were made in advance[1] of this date. No further
updates, including security updates, will be available for Fedora 11.
Fedora 12 will continue to receive updates until approximately one
month after the release of Fedora 14. The maintenance schedule of
Fedora releases is documented on the Fedora Project wiki.[2]
* * *
- --
Paul W. Frields
gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717 - - - -
Where open source multiplies:
Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)
Hello Fedora Users!! It has been a long time! Today I updated the
Unofficial Fedora FAQ for Fedora 11, 12, and 13:
Fedora 13:
Fedora 12:
Fedora 11:
As always, contains lots of straightforward and useful
information on how to play DVDs, listen to MP3s, install Flash, and lots
of answers to other frequently asked questions.
Do you know of anything that's being frequently asked about Fedora but
isn't listed on Or did you find an error in one of the
questions, or have a better idea for how one answer should go? Let me
know! Instructions on contributing to the FAQ are here:
Enjoy! :-)
Competent, Friendly Bugzilla and Perl Services. Everything Else, too.
* 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 230
o 1.1 Planet Fedora
+ 1.1.1 General
o 1.2 QualityAssurance
+ 1.2.1 AutoQA initscript testing
+ 1.2.2 Fedora 14 QA schedule
+ 1.2.3 Virtualized testing
+ 1.2.4 NSS dependency issue
+ 1.2.5 Triage metrics
o 1.3 Fedora In the News
+ 1.3.1 Sugar on a Stick v3 Mirabelle released (
+ 1.3.2 Fedora’s lucky 13 (
+ 1.3.3 Counting the Cost of Free: What Value, Linux? (Computer Zine)
+ 1.3.4 Pino: Fedora’s default social tool (
+ 1.3.5 Sugar on a Stick hits 3.0, teaches us about a new kind of fruit
+ 1.3.6 Can Fedora be the new Ubuntu? (Tech Republic)
+ 1.3.7 Backing up with Deja Dup (
+ 1.3.8 Fedora 13 Boasts Many Leading-Edge Enhancements (eWeek)
o 1.4 Artwork
+ 1.4.1 Design Team IRC Meeting
+ 1.4.2 Sparkle Share
o 1.5 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.1 Fedora 13 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.2 Fedora 12 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.3 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
- Fedora Weekly News Issue 230 -
Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 230[1] for the week ending June 16, 2010. What follows are some highlights from this issue.
In this week's FWN, we have a shorter issue, with folks taking a breather following the very successful release of Fedora 13. We begin with news from the Fedora Planet, including details on the Project's Twitter presence, new approved features for Fedora 14, an update on multitouch in Fedora, and a discussion on what goes in to Fedora metrics and release stats. In Quality Assurance news, details on the QA schedule for Fedora 14, an update on automated test script review and revision, and a discussion regarding virtualized testing of releases. Next up are a variety of Fedora news pieces in the trade press and blogosphere in Fedora In The News. In Design team news, a new Design Team IRC meeting schedule, and discussion around Sparkle Share, a tool in development. Security Advisories brings us current with security-related packages released in the past week. Read on!
The audio version of FWN - FAWN - is back! You can listen to existing issues[2] on the Internet Archive. If anyone is interested in helping spread the load of FAWN production, please contact us!
If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see our 'join' page[3]. We welcome reader feedback: news(a)
FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson
-- Planet Fedora --
In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora[1] - an aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.
Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin
--- General ---
Luke Slater mentioned[1] that "we've recently acquired the username 'Fedora' on Twitter and we're using this event as the catalyst to start Fedora's foray into the world of Microblogging (or relaunch it, perhaps...). We're currently deciding on what exactly to do in respect to this and a discussion took place in the Fedora Marketing meeting this Tuesday..."
Rahul Sundaram announced[2] that three new features have been approved for Fedora 14: More content in live images, faster picture browsing (replacing libjpeg with libjpeg-turbo) and Multi-path device support including bootup.
Michael DeHaan suggested[3] a way to use Google Analytics to help track down (and presumably fix) common error messages.
John Palmier provided[4] an update on the status of Multitouch in Fedora.
Richard W.M. Jones found[5] that Linux now has a set of APIs for freezing ("Quiescing") filesystems.
Venkatesh Hariharan posted[6] an excerpt from Flash Co-Creator Jonathan Gay, discussing "the challenges they faced in using H.264 standard."
Ian Weller discussed[7] how Fedora metrics are tracked, and the process of releasing the (anonymized) raw data that was used to produce the final statistics.
Clint Savage is trying to comabt[8] apathy, which "is what kills communities around the globe" and how to get people to contribute back.
-- QualityAssurance --
In this section, we cover the activities of the QA team[1]. For more information on the work of the QA team and how you can get involved, see the Joining page[2].
Contributing Writer: Adam Williamson
--- AutoQA initscript testing ---
Josef Skladanka updated[1] the status of the automated initscripts test effort[2]. He explained that 30% of initscripts had now been reviewed, and again asked for people to help in completing the process.
--- Fedora 14 QA schedule ---
John Poelstra posted[1] the QA group schedule for Fedora 14[2], including all the significant dates for the team in the run-up to the next Fedora release.
--- Virtualized testing ---
Bob Lightfoot asked[1] if there was a consensus on the use of virtual machines as opposed to real systems in testing, and whether it is acceptable to run tests of the install media in virtual machines. Richard Ryniker's well-considered response[2] pointed out that "just as an error observed on "real" hardware might be attributed to a quirk or fault in that platform, so too an error in a VM might be the result of some bug in the implementation of the VM," and that "errors observed in a VM environment...should be subjected to the same triage process that might elevate them to "critical" status because they seriously impact operation on many (real or virtual) platforms, or reduce them to "future consideration" status because they have little impact, they occur only on platforms rare enough to suggest a quirk or platform fault is their cause". Adam Williamson said[3] that virtual testing is valuable, but testing on real hardware is also necessary, in both cases.
--- NSS dependency issue ---
During the QA weekly meeting of 2010-06-07[1], Adam Williamson brought up the problem with dependencies in the nss-softokn package which had caused dependency issues during updates for many users of the 64-bit edition of Fedora 13. The group concluded that there had been no failure in the QA processes, but also agreed that it would be a good idea to make sure the AutoQA dependency checks will be able to catch this particular type of problem when they go live. Adam promised to send Will Woods a summary of the issue for this purpose.
--- Triage metrics ---
During the Bugzappers weekly meeting of 2010-06-08[1], Adam Williamson recapped the previous efforts to produce a system for monitoring the triage process and providing metrics on triage work, and proposed an alternative approach of producing some simple Bugzilla queries that would provide some basic information in the short term and without a lot of complex work. Jeff Raber stepped in and volunteered to attempt this.
-- Fedora In the News --
In this section, we cover news from the trade press and elsewhere that is re-posted to the Fedora Marketing list[1]
Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco
--- Sugar on a Stick v3 Mirabelle released ( ---
Rahul Sundaram forwarded a posting from The H from 2010-06-14:
"At last week's LinuxTag conference in Berlin, Sugar Labs, the organisation behind the One Laptop Per Child's XO laptop software, released Sugar on a Stick version 3.0, also known as "Mirabelle". Sugar on a Stick is a version of the free open source Sugar Learning Platform that can be installed on a bootable USB flash drive to run on a conventional desktop, notebook or netbook computer."
The full post is available[2].
--- Fedora’s lucky 13 ( ---
Rahul Sundaram forwarded a review of highlights from Fedora 13:
"I could continue on forever and a day about how Fedora 13 brings a world of improvement to the Fedora/Linux experience. But the best thing I can say is that Ubuntu better watch out or Fedora might well usurp it as the king of Linux for new users. And since Fedora is already one of the most popular distributions with experienced users . . . you get the picture.
If you have never tried Fedora do so now. If you jumped ship on Fedora some where around Fedora 9, I’d say it’s about time you jumped back on the ship and enjoyed an incredible experience."
The full post is available[1]
--- Counting the Cost of Free: What Value, Linux? (Computer Zine) ---
Rahul Sundaram forwarded an interview with Amanda McPherson, marketing and developer programs VP at the Linux Foundation, in which she discusses a recent study calculating the cost of producing the Fedora 9 release:
"Bentley: Why the Fedora community distribution and not another?
McPherson: Fedora is the basis for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which represents a large percentage of the Linux market. This provided us with a very relevant model to assess. Also, David A. Wheeler had used Red Hat for his study in 2002. OpenSuse and Debian/Ubuntu would, of course, also be great targets for this study. We may do that at a later date. We also would like to use an embedded distribution."
The full post is available[1].
--- Pino: Fedora’s default social tool ( ---
Rahul Sundaram forwarded a discussion of the Pino tool within Fedora 13:
"Pino is an outstanding app for Twitter status updates. It’s not nearly as feature-rich as Gwibber, but it won’t gobble up your CPU like Gwibber is prone to. If you are looking for a tool to post twitter status updates, and you use Fedora – look no further than Pino."
The full post is available[1].
--- Sugar on a Stick hits 3.0, teaches us about a new kind of fruit ---
Rahul Sundaram forwarded a discussion of Fedora-based Sugar on a Stick 3.0:
"Turns out it's a small, orange plum that really has nothing to do with Sugar's Fedora underpinnings, but certainly sounds healthier than Google's versioning schemes. Mirabelle has just been given the Sugar on a Stick treatment, and as with previous releases this one can be loaded to DVD or thumb drive and booted to give a taste of XO without requiring any repartitioning. Sugar on a Stick is now an official Fedora spin, distributed on the Fedora site in both 32- and 64-bit flavors at the other end of that source link below. "
The full post is available[1].
--- Can Fedora be the new Ubuntu? (Tech Republic) ---
Rahul Sundaram forwarded a discussion of Fedora 13:
"Fedora has done something that, in many peoples’ eyes, is much more important . . . they have released an amazingly rock-solid operating system. What happened to the good old days of installing Fedora and then having to spend time tweaking it to get it to work right? Now it’s just install and go. And go it does."
The full post is available[1].
--- Backing up with Deja Dup ( ---
Rahul Sundaram forwarded a follow-up article in ghacks that discusses Deja Dup in Fedora 13:
"In a recent article I introduced to the Ghacks readers the latest release from Fedora (see “Fedoras Lucky 13“). In this article I mentioned a number of features that helped to make Fedora one of the more user friendly Linux distributions available today. One of the reasons this is so is the inclusion of some tools that make using Fedora 13 incredibly easy. One such tool is the backup system Deja Dup. Deja Dup makes backups incredible simple. With an interface containing no more than a menu bar and two buttons, backing up couldn’t be easier.
But that simplicity doesn’t mean Deja Dup is complete bereft of features. Not at all. In fact, you’d be surprised at how many different ways you can backup with Deja Dup. In this article you are going to see how easy it is to back up your Fedora 13 files and folders with this handy tool."
The full post is available[1].
--- Fedora 13 Boasts Many Leading-Edge Enhancements (eWeek) ---
Kara Schlitz forwarded an article in eWeek reviewing Fedora 13's features:
"Since its first version, in 2003, Red Hat's Fedora Linux has been the best place to track what's on the leading edge of Linux and open-source software. Of course, the trouble with running on the leading edge is that it's easy to get cut, and the Fedora distribution's fast development pace has required a certain amount of bug-squashing tolerance from its users.
Fedora 13, which began shipping in late May, boasts many of the leading-edge enhancements—and few of the rough spots—that I've come to expect from the popular Linux-based operating system. In particular, I appreciated the work the Fedora team has done in the area of security and permissions, with progress toward more granular rights management through Fedora's PolicyKit framework, and an implementation of the SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) framework that remained, for the most part, tucked away unobtrusively in the background."
The full post is available[1].
-- Artwork --
In this section, we cover the Fedora Design Team[1].
Contributing Writer: Nicu Buculei
--- Design Team IRC Meeting ---
Máirín Duffy announced[1] the regular IRC meeting of the Design Team "Just a friendly reminder our second weekly meeting is at 7 PM UTC today in #fedora-design on" and after the meeting she published[2] the minutes[3], the meeting covered: website redesign, progress for Fedora 14 artwork, the tickets queue and the new biweekly bounties.
--- Sparkle Share ---
Máirín Duffy pointed[1] to Sparkle Share, a tool in development which may make easier to share the works inside the Design Team "I think we should try using this when it's first released! ", Nicu Buculei objected[2] about using Mono "Hope some brave souls will do to it what other brave souls did to Tomboy with Gnote" while other members, like Jayme Ayres showed enthusiasm[3] "I loved the idea. Currently I use the Dropbox and is very useful for me to manage my work files and laptop!"
-- Security Advisories --
In this section, we cover Security Advisories from fedora-package-announce.
Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco
--- Fedora 13 Security Advisories ---
* openssl-1.0.0a-1.fc13 -…
* dhcp-4.1.1-22.P1.fc13 -…
* sudo-1.7.2p6-2.fc13 -…
* python-2.6.4-27.fc13 -…
* sonic-visualiser-1.7.2-1.fc13 -…
* libfishsound-0.9.1-5.fc13 -…
* liboggz-1.1.1-1.fc13 -…
* mod_annodex-0.2.2-13.fc13 -…
* libannodex-0.7.3-14.fc13 -…
* emesene-1.6.2-1.fc13 -…
--- Fedora 12 Security Advisories ---
* moin-1.8.8-1.fc12 -…
* kernel- -…
* emesene-1.6.2-1.fc12 -…
--- Fedora 11 Security Advisories ---
* sendmail-8.14.4-3.fc11 -…
* moin-1.8.8-1.fc11 -…
* emesene-1.6.2-1.fc11 -…
- end FWN 230 -
The Board is holding a public IRC meeting on Friday, June 11, 2010 at
1800 UTC on IRC Freenode. This will be the first official meeting of
the current Fedora Board membership[1]. For this meeting, the public
is invited to do the following:
* Join #fedora-board-meeting to see the Board's conversation.
* Join #fedora-board-questions to discuss topics and post
questions. This channel is read/write for everyone.
This meeting will last approximately 60 minutes. The Board may
reserve some time at the top of the hour to cover any agenda items as
appropriate. Following that we'll take questions from the community.
The moderator will voice people from the queue, one at a time, in the
#fedora-board-meeting channel. We'll limit time per voice as needed
to give everyone in the queue a chance to be heard. We look forward
to seeing you at the meeting!
* * *
Paul W. Frields
gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717 - - - -
Where open source multiplies:
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I'm pleased to announce that Stephen Smoogen will join the Fedora
Project Board. He'll be seated along with the other newly elected and
appointed Board members at our next regular meeting in June, which
will be an IRC public meeting. Stephen brings many years of
experience with the Fedora Project in a variety of areas, and as a
volunteer contributor and a Red Hat employee at various times. This
appointment completes the normal succession process for the Board for
this term.
We're currently working out the meeting schedule between the new
members, and we'll send it out via normal channels, such as the
advisory-board list, well in advance of the first meeting.
- --
Paul W. Frields
gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717 - - - -
Where open source multiplies:
Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)