Planned Outage: Server reboots - 2016-09-21 21:00 UTC
There will be an outage starting at 2016-09-21 21:00 UTC, which will
last approximately 4 hours.
To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at
or run:
date -d '2016-09-21 21:00 UTC'
Reason for outage:
Affected Services:
All non build and cloud services may be up or down during the outage
Contact Information:
Ticket Link:
Please join #fedora-admin or #fedora-noc on or add
comments to the ticket for this outage above.
Planned Outage: fedora infra cloud / copr - 2016-09-20 06:00 UTC
There will be an outage starting at 2016-09-20 06:00 UTC, which will
last approximately 4 hours.
To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at
or run:
date -d '2016-09-20 06:00 UTC'
Reason for outage:
We will be applying updates and rebooting the fedora infra cloud. This
will affect copr builds, frontend and backend as well as any other
applications hosted in the or domains.
Affected Services:
* copr: frontend, backend and builds.
* * and development and
test instances.
Contact Information:
Ticket Link:
Please join #fedora-admin or #fedora-noc on or add
comments to the ticket for this outage above.
Fedora Infrastructure currently maintains two sites for general open
source code hosting: and was established in late 2007 using Trac for issues and
wiki pages, Fedora Account System groups for access control and source
uploads, and offering a variety of Source Control Management tools
(git, svn, hg, bzr). With the rise of new workflows and source
repositories has ceased to grow, adding just one new
project this year and a handful the year before. was established in 2015, and is a modern Flask/Python based
application. It is under rapid development and supports git repos for
source code, docs, and tickets. The pull request model is used for
changes along with many options for projects. Access control is
standalone. New projects are self service and added all the time.
Given the lack of growth and continued maintenance burden, Fedora
Infrastructure would like to retire and encourage all
its active projects to move to (or whatever other place they
feel best meets their needs). We have tenatively scheduled this
retirement for February 28th, 2017.
The Infrastructure team has already contacted owners of the top ten
projects on Fedora Hosted for input on their needs. If your project
has special needs, please contact the Infrastructure team (details
below) to discuss options.
After the sunset date, we will continue to provide raw data from public
projects previously hosted at, but the service itself
will be closed. We hope to provide this data for download for a few
years, but won't provide it forever.
A quick FAQ:
Question: has some issues/problems that prevent me from
moving my project there. What can I do?
Answer: Please file these issues against pagure: and we will try and address them as
best we can. Note that not every feature request can be accommodated
but the team will consider all requests.
Question: How can I migrate my data from fedorahosted to
Answer: You can use the tool to
migrate trac data to issues. Git repositories should be
easily migrated with a push to the new repo. Releases can be
uploaded to
Question: I want to test things out, but not migrate yet, how can I do
Answer: We have a test instance you are welcome
to create projects on and test importing data. Note that from time to
time we clear out this instance, so do not use it for any long term
Question: What happens if I ignore this/don't get around to migrating
my project by the 2017-02-28 deadline?
Answer: We hope to provide the raw data from projects for download for
a while, so you should be able to download a tar.xz of your old git
repo and trac files, but it will be up to you to extract what you need
from them, and we won't host them forever. The data sunset period would
be at least several additional months.
Question: Does support hg, bzr, svn or cvs?
Answer: no.
Question: I have more questions, where can I get more answers?
Answer: Feel free to ask on the infrastructure(a)
list or #fedora-admin on IRC