Greetings, all:
The elections for the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) and the Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee (FAmSCo) have concluded, and the results are shown below.
In addition to the election results, there were also 2 candidates for 2 open seats on the Fedora Project Board. As the candidates were unopposed, voting was not held. Therefore, Neville A. Cross (FAS: yn1v) and Haïkel Guémar (FAS: number80) are both elected to the Fedora Board for a full two-release term.
FESCo is electing 4 seats this cycle. A total of 265 ballots were cast, meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 1590 votes (265 * 6). The result of the FESCo election is as follows:
# votes | name - ------+---------------------------------- 952 | Dennis Gilmore (FAS: ausil) 947 | Toshio Kuratomi (FAS: abadger1999) 905 | Stephen Gallagher (FAS: sgallagh) 849 | Miloslav Trmač (FAS: mitr) ------------------------------------------- 768 | Marcela Mašláňová (FAS: mmaslano) 649 | Kyle McMartin (FAS: kyle)
Therefore, Dennis Gilmore, Toshio Kuratomi, Stephen Gallagher, and Miloslav Trmač are each elected to FESCo for a full two-release term.
FAmSCo is electing 3 seats this cycle. A total of 173 ballots were cast, meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 692 votes (173 * 4). The result of the FAmSCo election is as follows:
# votes | name - ------+---------------------------------- 435 | Neville A. Cross (FAS: yn1v) 396 | Jon Disnard (FAS: masta) 379 | Truong Anh Tuan (FAS: tuanta) ------------------------------------------- 291 | Marcel Ribeiro Dantas (FAS: mribeirodantas)
Therefore, Neville Cross, Jon Disnard, and Truong Anh Tuan are each elected to FAmSCo for a full two-release term.
Congratulations to all.