Here at we've just merged the Artoo Fedora FAQ Forums into us. This is fantastic news for the Fedora community, as it helps to eradicate the duplication of effort which currently exists. It will mean that there is now one definite place to go and ask for help, with more members and therefore more expertise in one place. All of the existing threads and users have been merged into the forums.
This now means that the forum has a staggering 1,254 members with 836 threads and 4,536 posts at the time of writing. Making this forum, the premier online resource for the Fedora community.
What does this mean for you? Well put simply this means:
» More experience - more users in one place makes for more experience and therefore better help » A centralisation of resources making it easier to find what you need » A better community atmosphere, more users, more regulars and therefore a better feeling of community
If you have a duplicate account on both forums, your user has been merged. Meaning that your post count will be the sum of that in both forums. All of the threads which were on the #fedora FAQ forum have been moved across and a full list of where each thread can now be found is located here:
At the same time we'd like to welcome Avatraxiom and vorte[x] to the forums. Avatraxiom was the administrator of and vorte[x] was the moderator. Avatraxiom will be assuming a role as a Super Moderator and vorte[x] as a moderator for the support forums.
We also have a fantastic new design now up and running on the forums. It should make it easier to navigate to a certain extent and it provides you with some extra eye candy.
We hope that you'll enjoy and benefit from the merger of the forums!
Gareth (Ug) Administrator