Call for Papers for Flock to Fedora 2018
Flock is the Fedora Project's annual contributor-focused conference. It alternates between European and North American locations, and this year will be in Dresden, Germany from August 8-11.
What will we do at Flock?
* Communicate the Fedora Strategy. Everyone in Fedora should understand and feel well-aligned with the project's goals, both long-term and tactical. We should all understand the messaging we're using to attract new users and contributors.
* Plan the Next Strategy. This strategy doesn't come from the top down, or from thin air, and it's not dictated by our sponsors. It comes from the community. Because we're so big and distributed, Flock can't be the only place where we get new ideas, but it is a summit where we present, learn about, and discuss them.
* Build Community Connections and Engagement. We do amazing work as a global project, but there's no substitute for direct human interaction. Flock helps tie us together. In-person discussion, collaboration, and fun social events help us function better on IRC and mailing lists throughout the year.
Details about how to submit and what kinds of talks can be submitted can be found at
Talks will be reviewed and accepted in three rounds. The round due dates are:
Round 1 selection starts on: 15 June 2018
Round 2 selection starts on: 2 July 2018
Final selection starts on: 15 July 2018 (absolute last day for CFP submission)
Talks not selected in an earlier round, continue to be considered in future rounds. Submissions must be complete by 15 July 2018.