Hey all, I'm pleased to announce that a new major release of mock tool, A 'simple' chroot build environment manager for building RPMs, is out.
There are several major changes, namely `--bootstrap-chroot` enabled by default, default flip from `yum` to `dnf`, simplified mock-core-configs package, fixed regression in 'use_bootstrap_image' option. And many important bugfixes. See release notes here:
The new `mock-core-configs 32.0` package now provides configuration for "branched" Fedora 32, and Rawhide points to Fedora 33. All the 33/32/31 configuration files should work fine now, but please make sure you have the "latest greatest" distribution-gpg-keys 1.36 from updates-testing for this to work (thanks to fedora infra team for providing the gpg keys in advance, and to Mirek Suchý for shipping it in new release quickly).
The fedora updates links are:
F31 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2020-8c3f06d776 F30 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2020-4ab9c18a6a EL8 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2020-4f9536de5b EL7 https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2020-56dcc5ffbf
I disabled time-based auto push and set auto-karma=10, so this shouldn't land stable too quickly and untested. Please report any issues.
The following people contributed to this release:
Dominik Tureček Jakub Čajka Jakub Kadlčík Merlin Mathesius Scott K Logan Sérgio M. Basto Silvie Chlupová Tomas Hrnciar
Thank you all. Pavel