Fedora 9 (Sulphur)
Try as they might, the Bathysphere lobbyists failed in their quest to have the little round ships be the moniker for Fedora 9. Instead, by a narrow margin, the community has chosen Sulphur to be the codename for Fedora 9. Full election results below.
Fedora Art team, let the themes begin!
vote_count | name ------------+---------------- 62 | Sulphur 54 | Bathysphere 43 | Chupacabra 39 | Mayonnaise 32 | Dragicorn 29 | Woodwose 23 | Tourette 13 | Asperger 13 | Barmanou 10 | Chingachgook 6 | Kingsport Town 5 | Marfan