sumantrom reported a new issue against the project: `ambassadors-apac` that you are following:
Hey , It's time that we have some swags in India. I would like to request for Fedora Pins, Banners and T-shirts.I would like fellow Ambassadors to up vote this request as I work on the cost per unit and propose a definite monetary unit.
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zsun reported a new issue against the project: `ambassadors-apac` that you are following:
This is a sponsor request for swags in China.
We have run out of swags by the end of 2016. Luckily we did not have any events this year so this doesn't matter a lot. Now I hear we will have a postponed SFD event in Tsinghua University in October 21st which is a joined event with other communities so more people are expected. As the swag coordinator in China I am writing to request sponsorship for making swags.
Current plan is to still make some key ring or pin with Fedora logo. I am requesting USD 100 this time and then deal with the vendors for a better bulk production price. Currently I get a reference as around 0.4 USD per piece without postage. So with USD 100 we could make a little more than 200 pieces. The SFD in Tsinghua will consume about 100 pieces so the remaining will be used in other ad-hoc events.
This won't be enough to cover the upcoming Fedora 27 release party so I might request swags for that when we are planning for it.
Wiki Page: No. As this is a general swag request and the swags will go into the SFD events and ad-hoc events.
USD 100 for about 200 pieces of Fedora pin.
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sumantrom reported a new issue against the project: `ambassadors-apac` that you are following:
Requesting $100 for Fedora Release Party , BLR.
wiki :
FAS: sumantrom
Event owner FAS: sumantrom
== Requirements ==
Banners,stickers, buttons, t-shirts, or other swag that is available
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pnemade added a new comment to an issue you are following:
> I give you an answer, but first of all you should think a bit about the time when the meeting is maybe you figure something out, not to mention that APAC is a bit bigger and has a lot of time zones.
I think for meeting timing ticket has been open here for sometime ago and it was open for 2 weeks and asked to submit preferred timings. I don't see @gnokii replied there. See that ticket #274 for more information. Anyway, you can open a new ticket here by providing your preferred timing and all the active ambassadors can work on deciding new meeting time.
> How would be you going through the logfiles and recognize that whenever a not-indian comes with something that there is discussion and for indians is mostly approved without any discussion.
This should not happen. All tickets where budget is required should get discussed for who needs budget, why he/she needs, how its getting used. If there is any particular case where budget was approved without discussion I request to provide that information here for future references.
> Not to mention what happens when there is swag produced, it must be India, the media are the best example, we tried to cooperate with EMEA and of course the DVD was a bit more expensive but that is way better as the "cheap" indian ones, which are not pressed it are burned ones and each 3rd isnt booting to the desktop. Not to mention that production of the things is discussed on india list but other APAC people seems to have no saying in it!
Have you reported any ticket for swag budget before and denied budget? I didn't see any request for DVD media from you in #268 this ticket. If the budget is getting spent completely and we need more budget for DVD media in APAC region then this must be first discussed here like how much DVD media different countries need in APAC then how much budget for it in total needed. Then we also need to look for where should these media be purchased like we currently give order in India for media production. Which other countries need to place media production order?
Can you report tickets here for the issues you are facing? I think the active APAC ambassadors will definitely help you.
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