mpduty reported a new issue against the project: `ambassadors-apac` that you are following: `` FAS: mpduty Event Time: 14/06/2018 1000-1200 IST Event Location: Budha Smriti Bhavan, Chutia, Ranchi Target Audience: Students and teachers (About 50 people) Wiki Page: Budget: USD 25 - Banners and posters USD 20 - Cake USD 20 - Drinks and beverages USD 15 - Hall cleaning and electricity charges USD 15 - media, USB sticks for distribution USD 05 - travel ------------- USD 100 - Total ``
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sumantrom added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` Hey @mpduty Thanks for creating the request, I would like to work with you on the agenda and set up the wiki page with proper agenda. This is a good time to increase the presence in Ranchi. Do you mind if I edit the wiki and give me a structure? It usually looks like [] ``
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mpduty added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` Hi @sumantrom
Do you mind if I edit the wiki and give me a structure?
Please do so. It will be of great help. ``
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bex added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` Did this event happen? ``
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