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I agree we need someone to share responsibility with @izhar . I was the APAC budget treasurer in 3-4 years and I know it's time consuming job.
we quoting you here from KUL, "I am not the treasurer" thats why izhar has currently both roles, we discussed in KUL also if that has consequences and could bring conflicts and the answer to that is NO, as the CC holder has not to ask the treasurer to spent money, see EMEA.
I think we should let @izhar keep CC. You know, giving a CC to another person is a time wasting task. In the past, we need months to assign a CC to him.
keep the feet on the floor. We agreed also in KUL to get another CC for pjp for paying the media and swag production. Have not seen you taking action for that. Was just me, I went to Joe and asked for it and he told me, pjp shall use his RH CC for it, well Joe forgot that they dont have such ones for RH India.
So looks for a thing @bex might solve, the process of centralizing swag and media production is not an new idea and was initiated already but bringing it to a full run is a stony way and makes no process through such small things like Joes answer. Not to mention that the distribution still sucks.
@pnemade @sayanchowdhury I dont care if PJP reads regularly the fedora-india list, I care more when Indians start to care more about other Asians. And that starts in not promoting people because they are Indians as more it are the right people for the job.
So it's easier to assign a new budget treasurer. We need a volunteer. I can share my experience to him/her at anytime.
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