<p> </p> <p><strong>Henry Le Chatelier</strong></p> <p>Henry Le Chatelier was a French chemist and engineer. He became famous for his investigations on chemical equilibrium - <a href="https://domyhomework.club/geometry-homework/">https://domyhomework.club/geometry-homework/</a> . He formulated the conditions for the establishment of a chemical equilibrium and the principle of the smallest constraint. This states that the chemical equilibrium always eludes an external constraint in such a way that the effects of the external constraint are reduced.</p> <p>Although Le Chatelier's principle only allows qualitative conclusions to be drawn about the state of chemical equilibrium, it is of outstanding economic importance, especially for equilibrium reactions in the chemical industry.</p> <p><strong>The time in which he lived</strong></p> <p>In the second half of the 19th century, significant political and economic developments took place in Europe and the USA. The Industrial Revolution spread from England to all of Europe. France and Germany in particular went through tumultuous times - <a href="https://domyhomework.club/html-assignment-help/">https://domyhomework.club/html-assignment-help/</a> . In France, 1848 saw several popular uprisings and the proclamation of the Second French Republic.</p> <p>In the presidential elections of the same year, Luis-Napoleon Bonaparte, nephew of the first emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, was elected president. He dissolved the National Assembly in 1851 and mercilessly persecuted his democratically minded opponents - <a href="https://domyhomework.club/">https://domyhomework.club/</a> . After the opposition resistance was broken, Bonaparte's nephew had himself crowned Emperor Napoleon III on 2 December 1852, following his uncle's example.</p> <p><strong>Read also:</strong></p> <p><a href="https://www.jumpinsport.com/users/samalbee">Molecular formulae</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.afa.co.rs/profile/albees046/profile">Potassium hydroxide</a></p> <p><a href="https://concept-of-the-golden-section.konfeo.com/en/groups">Concept of the Golden Section</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.hikealabama.org/profile/albees046/profile">Ecology</a></p> <p><a href="https://configfreaks.com/community/profile/samalbee/">Traditional conservatism</a></p> <p> </p>