zsun reported a new issue against the project: `ambassadors-apac` that you are following: `` This is a test ticket. I will change it myself and please do not change it. ``
To reply, visit the link below or just reply to this email https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/265
The issue: `Test ticket for ambassadors-apac pagure` of project: `ambassadors-apac` has been assigned to `zsun` by zsun.
zsun added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` I think mostly works now so close this ticket. ``
To reply, visit the link below or just reply to this email https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/265
The status of the issue: `Test ticket for ambassadors-apac pagure` of project: `ambassadors-apac` has been updated to: Closed by zsun.