sumantrom reported a new issue against the project: `ambassadors-apac` that you are following: `` Hey All,
Like you all know F27 is coming out and we have couple of events lined up.. This is an awesome time if we can have a storyteller who can work with all the Ambassdors and publish a combined event report for the community blog. I would like to nominate @siddharthvipul1 who is long time contributor to FedoraQA , he has also worked with me organizing events and workshops, advotes Fedora and FOSS in India.
I would like rest of the fellow ambassadors to vote :) ``
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sumantrom added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` @pjp @sankarshan @skamath @zsun @sayanchowdhury @imtiaz ack/nack/thoughts? ``
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sankarshan added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` Does the role of the "story teller" have a defined role/focus? As in, is it written down somewhere? I'd propose that we add that here while proposing Vipul's name. The reason I suggest this so as to enable him for success by identifying very clearly the outcome which he will drive in this role. ``
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sumantrom added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` === Description === * Helps communicate the "story" of a region's participation and activity in local events and how Fedora is impacting these local communities and events * Demonstrates how regional spending is tied to real impacts and outcomes that affect the growth of the Fedora Project * Works with other Ambassadors on creating event reports and ensuring they are properly syndicated throughout the community * Helps come up with creative ideas to boost Fedora's impact at local events and how to measure our impact after an event === Responsibilities === * Communicate with local Ambassadors after an event to ensure report is written * Sharing those in a public, static place like the Fedora Community Blog * If possible, share story on social media or on relevant mailing lists * Work to create badges for every local event with a Fedora presence * Write a quarterly / bi-annual "report" on regional participation documenting what the region is up to ``
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zsun added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` I assume we are talking about APAC storyteller role. Copy @kushal to let him know this happening, since he is the current APAC StoryTeller.
For the nominee, I see @siddharthvipul1 is not an ambassador yet. I checked his badge page and find most of his contributions are technical related. So I have concerns if he knows APAC well. Especially APAC is a diverse region, problems and status varies for countries in APAC region. Although this is not in description, I think the storyteller should at least know the general problems (or status) for each country in this region. So I feel this should be someone who has more knowledge of what's going on in APAC.
Based on the two concerns above, I offer a nack. ``
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sankarshan added a new comment to an issue you are following: ``
=== Description === Helps communicate the "story" of a region's participation and activity in local events and how Fedora is impacting these local communities and events Demonstrates how regional spending is tied to real impacts and outcomes that affect the growth of the Fedora Project Works with other Ambassadors on creating event reports and ensuring they are properly syndicated throughout the community Helps come up with creative ideas to boost Fedora's impact at local events and how to measure our impact after an event
Thank you for providing the detail. What are the competencies that make for a good story teller? What skills does the Fedora contributor need to have to be able to present a comprehensive, regular and compelling narrative of the region? ``
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sumantrom added a new comment to an issue you are following: ``
=== Description === Helps communicate the "story" of a region's participation and activity in local events and how Fedora is impacting these local communities and events Demonstrates how regional spending is tied to real impacts and outcomes that affect the growth of the Fedora Project Works with other Ambassadors on creating event reports and ensuring they are properly syndicated throughout the community Helps come up with creative ideas to boost Fedora's impact at local events and how to measure our impact after an event
Thank you for providing the detail. What are the competencies that make for a good story teller? What skills does the Fedora contributor need to have to be able to present a comprehensive, regular and compelling narrative of the region?
In my opinion, the storyteller must be a person who should be active in the community and will have the bandwidth to participate in global meetings. The said nomination has been active in India (by extension APAC) as he has done a lot of events in past and reported them back to community blog [] . ``
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pjp added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` I share the concerns outlined by Zamir(zsun) above. It'll help to have someone who knows the APAC ambassadors and can reach out to them and/or their local associates to gather information about their activities and also help/encourage them to organize/participate in local community events to represent Fedora and share their experience with Fedora community via blogs/reports/emails etc.
Having said that, it'll help to confirm if Siddharth has understood this role well and is up for it. And if he could have a fellow ambassador to go along with him at least for couple of quarters. ``
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siddharthvipul1 added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` @sumantrom Thank you Sumantro for nominating me for this role. :)
@pjp @zsun Hey, I completely understand your concerns and respect that. I have understood the terms and role of a storyteller. I have been doing pretty similar stuff at a micro level. If this position enables me to share FOSS and Fedora story and philosophy to a larger audience, I would love to take the responsibilities. I work for Fedora QA and take part in organizing and speaking in events in IN. I'm well connected with @sumantrom and @skamath who can guide me initially to start.
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sankarshan added a new comment to an issue you are following: ``
I share the concerns outlined by Zamir(zsun) above. It'll help to have someone who knows the APAC ambassadors and can reach out to them and/or their local associates to gather information about their activities and also help/encourage them to organize/participate in local community events to represent Fedora and share their experience with Fedora community via blogs/reports/emails etc.
@zsun raises important points. And I wanted to add to them. From my understanding of the story-teller role, it seems that the key attribute the individual requires is empathy and a willingness to reach-out and record experiences, incidents and issues in an authentic manner. There is probably not one of us who can claim to be intimately familiar with everything in the region. Familiarity and trust builds over time and the role is the connective tissue between the project and its impact.
I am not sure if @kushal requires an additional hand at storytelling or, wants to be a mentor for @siddharthvipul1 - I have not read his perspective on this ticket. That said, this is a good and robust way for a Fedora contributor to gain insights outside of his/her narrow (even, technical) focus and understand how in what we do there is an exponential benefit to our community.
Having said that, it'll help to confirm if Siddharth has understood this role well and is up for it. And if he could have a fellow ambassador to go along with him at least for couple of quarters.
This is a pragmatic solution. And this should be considered to be adopted. ``
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kushal added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` I thought storyteller is part of Amabassador project as the storyteller also informs how the budget was spent in the region. As I have resigned from the Ambassador project, it will be nice if someone steps up as the storyteller for APAC. ``
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sankarshan added a new comment to an issue you are following: ``
I thought storyteller is part of Amabassador project as the storyteller also informs how the budget was spent in the region. As I have resigned from the Ambassador project, it will be nice if someone steps up as the storyteller for APAC.
This is a good point. I am unaware whether the Storyteller needing to be an existing Ambassador is a requirement or, happenstance. Either way, my comments/inputs on this topic are recorded above. I feel this is a good thing for Vipul to do, if it requires someone to mentor him - that isn't a wasted exercise either. ``
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skamath added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` Discussed in APAC Ambassador's bi-weekly meeting 16 Nov 2017
It was decided to call for new storytellers in the ambassadors mailing list and vote for the candidates in the next APAC meeting ``
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sankarshan added a new comment to an issue you are following: ``
Discussed in APAC Ambassador's bi-weekly meeting 16 Nov 2017 It was decided to call for new storytellers in the ambassadors mailing list and vote for the candidates in the next APAC meeting
Does this mean that the story teller would need to be an Ambassador to start with? ``
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gnokii added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` to the question Ambassador the answer is yes
to kushal, I told you already this job has nothing to do with know how much money is spent or similar things. Its collecting the data so that there will be metrics how succesful we did spent the money. How the money is spent in the region can the card holder tell anyway and does each quarter.
STORY TELLER means collecting, amount of participants on an evnet, how many bugs fixed, lines translated and so on, has absolutely nothing to do with budget ``
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amitshah added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` The roles for the ambassadors were first laid out by @mattdm while drafting the proposal, and are described in brief here:
I recall reading a lot more about this - perhaps as part of email threads, or in presentations about
Since there's quite a lot of uncertainty here, I'd suggest reaching out to the council to get more information.
(I find it odd that the new wiki layout doesn't have a search button (or if it exists, makes it very difficult to find), so I couldn't get any more information on the roles of Ambassadors.) ``
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amitshah added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` I meant to include the blurb from the wiki page in my previous reply:
The Storytelling Delegate will be accountable for Regional Reports. They don't necessarily have to write all the original content, they just need to be accountable for ensuring content makes it out onto our channels.
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sumantrom added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` @siddharthvipul1 you can start storytelling and the APAC region will encourage it :) ``
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The status of the issue: `[New StoryTeller] Need for a new storyteller` of project: `ambassadors-apac` has been updated to: Closed as Fixed by sumantrom.