davdunc reported a new issue against the project: `atomic-wg` that you are following:
I have made arrangements with Mattdm to host Marketplace AMIs of F27 in the AWS Marketplace. These will be hosted by me as a member of the Fedora community. This allows us to get around certain legal issues that have heretofore prevented the images hosting.
* Need Fedora Marketing to assist with writeup for the listing.
* TODO F27 submission prior to release date (there is a security audit)
Account number for Marketplace deployment is 662243699625. This is legally separate from the FAS managed account.
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smilner reported a new issue against the project: `atomic-wg` that you are following:
A write up (blog, documentation, or something similar) is needed to show folks how to use different versions of the docker runtime on atomic host.
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sanja reported a new issue against the project: `atomic-wg` that you are following:
Please everyone comment on this if you either:
1. are submitting to DevConf.us but don't know what to talk about
2. already submitted to DevConf.us but don't want others to see what you submitted yet
3. already submitted and want others to see the abstract
4. know someone who fits into 1.-3. but doesn't know about this ticket here
I'll approach you individually afterwards and have a link with gathered information ready for those who are participating - if you wanna give a talk but need help submitting, message me.
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jberkus reported a new issue against the project: `atomic-wg` that you are following:
Currently, https://getfedora.org/en/atomic/download/ has no links to ARM or PPC images of any kind. We need to add these in some form.
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dustymabe reported a new issue against the project: `atomic-wg` that you are following:
The [two week atomic fedmsgs](https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/raw?topic=org.fedorapro… don't include multi-arch information in them. We need to update them so that we more appropriately can release and announce multi-arch content.
example from: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/id?id=2017-139f15b3-1d9a-4237-ac…
"username": "mohanboddu",
"source_name": "datanommer",
"i": 2,
"timestamp": 1512060519.0,
"msg_id": "2017-139f15b3-1d9a-4237-ac70-b3154a214807",
"crypto": "x509",
"topic": "org.fedoraproject.prod.releng.atomic.twoweek.complete",
"headers": {},
"signature": "XQPKdCcNf2wn9uHiu9RGPt/Vm67bYTkHr5Cq9vhgqLeJO0pGWcXc1dUWcZrhmdG45jvOfLGD8zHR\nRmgXaurMC7T9XiEm1Y/O95K3YcWAxD9x2wysvV0rEnd4OyZPchfclAkOj0Mfd4pg1rn//iFmQcSH\nzcu8c+x8fPyZySYuzdk=\n",
"source_version": "0.8.1",
"msg": {
"atomic_qcow2": {
"release": "27",
"image_url": "/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-27-20171129.0/CloudImages/x86_64/images/Fedora-Atomic-27-20171129.0.x86_64.qcow2",
"image_name": "Fedora-Atomic-27-20171129.0.x86_64.qcow2",
"compose_id": "Fedora-Atomic-27-20171129.0",
"name": "Fedora-Atomic-27-20171129.0."
"atomic_vagrant_libvirt": {
"release": "27",
"image_url": "/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-27-20171129.0/CloudImages/x86_64/images/Fedora-Atomic-Vagrant-27-20171129.0.x86_64.vagrant-libvirt.box",
"image_name": "Fedora-Atomic-Vagrant-27-20171129.0.x86_64.vagrant-libvirt.box",
"compose_id": "Fedora-Atomic-27-20171129.0",
"name": "Fedora-Atomic-Vagrant-27-20171129.0."
"atomic_raw": {
"release": "27",
"image_url": "/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-27-20171129.0/CloudImages/x86_64/images/Fedora-Atomic-27-20171129.0.x86_64.raw.xz",
"image_name": "Fedora-Atomic-27-20171129.0.x86_64.raw.xz",
"compose_id": "Fedora-Atomic-27-20171129.0",
"name": "Fedora-Atomic-27-20171129.0."
"atomic_vagrant_virtualbox": {
"release": "27",
"image_url": "/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-27-20171129.0/CloudImages/x86_64/images/Fedora-Atomic-Vagrant-27-20171129.0.x86_64.vagrant-virtualbox.box",
"image_name": "Fedora-Atomic-Vagrant-27-20171129.0.x86_64.vagrant-virtualbox.box",
"compose_id": "Fedora-Atomic-27-20171129.0",
"name": "Fedora-Atomic-Vagrant-27-20171129.0."
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phracek reported a new issue against the project: `atomic-wg` that you are following:
I thinks each container should provide to user some help page.
Fedora has requirement for providing such file https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Container:Guidelines#Help_File
The help.md file should contain some required fields like:
- image name
- maintainer
- name
- description
- usage
- if container uses environment variables then section ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
- if container exposes ports then also section SECURITY IMPLICATION
e.g. memcached help.md
% MEMCACHED(1) Container Image Pages
% Petr Hracek
% February 6, 2017
memcached - Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system
Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.
The container itself consists of:
- fedora/f26 base image
- memcached RPM package
Files added to the container during docker build include: /files/memcached.sh
To get the memcached container image on your local system, run the following:
docker pull docker.io/modularitycontainers/memcached
The image recognizes the following environment variables that you can set
during initialization be passing `-e VAR=VALUE` to the Docker run command.
| Variable name | Description |
| :----------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| `MEMCACHED_DEBUG_MODE` | Increases verbosity for server and client. Parameter is -vv |
| `MEMCACHED_CACHE_SIZE` | Sets the size of RAM to use for item storage (in megabytes) |
| `MEMCACHED_CONNECTIONS` | The max simultaneous connections; default is 1024 |
| `MEMCACHED_THREADS` | Sets number of threads to use to process incoming requests |
Lists of security-related attributes that are opened to the host.
-p 11211:11211
Opens container port 11211 and maps it to the same port on the host.
Memcached page
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dustymabe reported a new issue against the project: `atomic-wg` that you are following:
We have done some work to get our images booting properly on MSFT azure. Brent has volunteered to write a blog post (draft [here](https://gist.github.com/baude/cc8fccc51eacfc0964cd14afc202df5c)) We'll try to publish this on fed mag.
I'll work with fedmag team to get this published.
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smilner reported a new issue against the project: `atomic-wg` that you are following:
An idea that @dustymabe had was to start having design meetings via video (like Hangouts/BJN/etc..) to help speed up design discussions. We traditionally either had these discussions over long issue threads or IRC conversations. Would it be worth having a time/location that we could get community members together to discuss deeper design items together in public?
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miabbott reported a new issue against the project: `atomic-wg` that you are following:
I was the latest victim of issues pulling updates via HTTP2 when using `rpm-ostree upgrade` on my F27AW system. The problem is covered here:
Thankfully, the latest release of `ostree` (2017.15) contains the fix (workaround?) for the issue, but users are going to need to install that fixed version before they'll be able to successfully update their Atomic Host/Workstations. The ol' chicken vs egg problem.
We should publicize this issue via a blog post or email to `atomic-devel` (or both) because it has the potential to impact a lot of users.
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