#340: Badges based on ranks
Reporter: | Owner:
viveknrt | Vivekananda
Type: | Status: new
New badge idea | Keywords: Rank
Priority: | Has a description: 0
major | Artwork status: None
Has a name: | External requirements:
0 | Triaged (triagers only): 0
Concept approved (reviewers only): |
0 |
Badge definition status: |
None |
Manually awarded: |
0 |
This badges will be granted based on the rank of the contributor,we can
divide this into several badges as junior ranker or top 1000 ranker for
who ranks 1000 in all like that
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/340>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app
#379: We are running out of cookies
Reporter: | Owner:
mattdm | Status: new
Type: | Keywords:
Bug report | Has a description: 0
Priority: | Artwork status: None
minor | External requirements:
Has a name: | Triaged (triagers only): 0
0 |
Concept approved (reviewers only): |
0 |
Badge definition status: |
None |
Manually awarded: |
0 |
Problem: [https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/328] Cookies are
delicious. Everyone loves cookies!
That's not a problem. The problem is that sometimes, you want to give
someone a cookie even though they've been previously encookied, and then
sadness happens instead. It's sensible to have a limit on cookie giving
(even Cookie Monster knows that they are a ''sometimes food''), but could
we, perhaps, have the counter reset periodically?
May 1st, November 1st, being close enough to once-per-release?
I don't know the exact number. But something please!
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/379>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app
#395: Marching with Remy badge
Reporter: | Owner:
nb | Status: new
Type: | Keywords:
New badge idea | Has a description: 0
Priority: | Artwork status: None
minor | External requirements:
Has a name: | Triaged (triagers only): 0
0 |
Concept approved (reviewers only): |
0 |
Badge definition status: |
None |
Manually awarded: |
0 |
Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):
You marched with Remy
We have a dancing with Toshio badge, we need a marching with Remy badge
(idea came from a few people at Flock Rochester) I will attach photo of
Remy marching with his light up staff from the Strong Museum.
Lastly, do you have any ideas for artwork concepts?
Leprechaun marching with his staff in his hand (like in the Wizard of Oz)
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/395>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app
#346: Badge for setting up FreeOTP
Reporter: | Owner:
till | Status: new
Type: | Keywords:
New badge idea | Has a description: 0
Priority: | Artwork status: None
minor | External requirements:
Has a name: | Triaged (triagers only): 0
0 |
Concept approved (reviewers only): |
0 |
Badge definition status: |
None |
Manually awarded: |
0 |
What the badge should be granted for: Setting up FreeOTP
Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):
You setup FreeOTP for your FAS account
Anything else we need to know:
This is similar to the yubikey badge, but it doable without purchasing a
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/346>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app
#397: Fedora-it-author
Reporter: | Owner:
robyduck | Status: new
Type: | Keywords:
New badge idea | Has a description: 0
Priority: | Artwork status: Proposed
minor | External requirements:
Has a name: | Triaged (triagers only): 0
1 |
Concept approved (reviewers only): |
0 |
Badge definition status: |
None |
Manually awarded: |
1 |
Fedora-it-author should be a badge similar to fedora-cz-author and others.
We have an italian community website for almost 10 years now and more than
8000 members. People can find discussions, news and docs in italian
language, and we have even a separate Fedora ML for the docs writers at
The website is under http://it.fedoracommunity.org and I want to propose a
badge for the people contributing to this local Fedora source.
This badge can be granted manually by me, as I'm the creator/webmaster of
this website.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/397>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app
#398: Fudcon Córdoba (Latam 2015)
Reporter: | Owner:
williamjmorenor | Status: new
Type: | Keywords:
New badge idea | Has a description: 0
Priority: | Artwork status: None
minor | External requirements:
Has a name: | Triaged (triagers only): 0
0 |
Concept approved (reviewers only): |
0 |
Badge definition status: |
None |
Manually awarded: |
0 |
Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):
People who attended FUDcon Latam 2015 in Cordoba.
I want to note than Fudcon Managua had only one badge ( #273 ) , Fudcon
Organizer ( #323 ) and Fudcon Speaker ( #322) were rejected for Fudcon
Managua, but Fudcon Pune ( #374 ) have the set of 3 badges so I will
propose 3 badges workin over the Fudcon Pune artwork for Fudcon Córdoba
Lastly, do you have any ideas for artwork concepts?
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/398>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app
#245: updated your in-vacation status
Reporter: | Owner:
nonamedotc | Status:
Type: New badge | closed
idea | Resolution:
Priority: minor | pushed
Keywords: package | Has a name:
maintainer, vacation | 0
Has a description: 1 | Concept approved (reviewers only):
Artwork status: Approved | 0
(design team members only) | Badge definition status:
External requirements: | None
Triaged (triagers only): 0 | Manually awarded:
| 0
Comment (by espasmo):
as I can win the badge ?
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/245#comment:11>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app
#390: Blue Froggy - FrOSCon 201 Attendee
Reporter: | Owner: gnokii
gnokii | Status: new
Type: | Keywords:
New badge idea | Has a description: 0
Priority: | Artwork status: Proposed
minor | External requirements:
Has a name: | Triaged (triagers only): 0
1 |
Concept approved (reviewers only): |
0 |
Badge definition status: |
None |
Manually awarded: |
1 |
What the badge should be granted for: To people who visited the fedora
booth in FrOSCon 2015
Badge description: Description: You visited the Fedora booth at FrOSCon
Anything else we need to know:
FrOSCon is one of Germanys main events with arround 2.000 visitors from
europe, this year is the 10th edition of the event.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/390>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app