Hi all,
I got to thinking about how to actually use this list (it has seen
zero real usage since its creation) and here's what I came up with:
what if we directed the trac instance at
https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ to send emails here everytime
there was a new ticket or an update on an existing ticket?
Currently, I'm the only one that is notified of activity there and
keeping me as a bottleneck there is a bad idea longer-term. On the
other hand, this would generate a lot of traffic here (maybe too much).
I'm leaning towards doing it. Does anyone want to weigh in? Any
#502: Need a badge for FGSL XIII event
Reporter: | Owner:
fredlima | Status: new
Type: | Keywords: fgsl,
New badge idea | badge
Priority: | Has a description: 0
minor | Artwork status: None
Has a name: | External requirements:
1 | Triaged (triagers only): 0
Concept approved (reviewers only): |
0 |
Badge definition status: |
None |
Manually awarded: |
0 |
Badge description: Has attended the FGSL XIII.
The "Fórum Goiano de Software Livre" is a traditional and the major (if
not unique) free software event in Midwest of Brazil.
It's has been held since 2003.
The event will be held in 18th and 19th November.
I've attached some artworks from the official logo.
url of the event: http://2016.fgsl.net/
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/502>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app
#517: "Brevity is Beautiful" - Badge for shortest lifespan of package/app in
Reporter: | Owner:
duffy | Status: new
Type: | Keywords:
New badge idea | Has a description: 0
Priority: | Artwork status: None
minor | External requirements:
Has a name: | Triaged (triagers only): 0
0 |
Concept approved (reviewers only): |
0 |
Badge definition status: |
None |
Manually awarded: |
0 |
Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):
Your package had the shortest shelf life of all Fedora packages.
Help the badges team understand what this idea is all about. If this
badge is awarded for certain kinds of activities:
1) What are those activities?
Packaging an application and then retiring it shortly afterward. For
someone to do such an action means they are willing to put aside work they
had done for the greater good of Fedora, as well as that they are open to
considering others' opinions and taking them seriously.
2) Who is doing them (are they packagers? translators? newcomers?
veterans? users? sponsors?)
A packager
3) Why are they doing them (is this a means to a different end?)
They packaged a tool, and then learned that maybe it wasn't the best idea
for Fedora and decided to pull it after an open and frank discussion. This
makes Fedora better.
4) When do they do them (every day? once a year?)
This is more like a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing, although if anybody
retires another package more quickly they may earn it as well.
5) How do they do them (by talking in IRC? by running commands in the
console? by using a web interface?)
I think there's packaging infrastructure that handles this but I'm not
Lastly, do you have any ideas for artwork concepts?
A supermarket shelf showing gallons of milk lined up. It's a positive
badge so no stink lines. Foods that have a short shelf life have short
shelf lives because they need to be consumed fresh!
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/517>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app
#333: Oh, wait!
Reporter: | Owner:
churchyard | Status: new
Type: | Keywords:
New badge idea | Has a description: 0
Priority: | Artwork status: None
minor | External requirements:
Has a name: | Triaged (triagers only): 0
0 |
Concept approved (reviewers only): |
0 |
Badge definition status: |
None |
Manually awarded: |
0 |
What the badge should be granted for: Canceling a Koji build
Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):
You have cancelled a running Koji build
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/333>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app
#505: Art for LISA16 badge
Reporter: | Owner:
nb | Status: new
Type: | Keywords:
New badge idea | Has a description: 0
Priority: | Artwork status: None
minor | External requirements:
Has a name: | Triaged (triagers only): 0
0 |
Concept approved (reviewers only): |
0 |
Badge definition status: |
None |
Manually awarded: |
0 |
So, while we were at lisa on the first day, mattdm and I decided we wanted
a badge for that event, so I created one and just used the Fedora logo as
a placeholder. I need art to replace the placeholder.
https://www.bbhub.io/labs/sites/20/2016/11/LISA16-140x77.png might be good
to put on the badge?
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/505>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app
#510: DevConf.cz 2017 Attendee
Reporter: | Owner:
frantisekz | Status: new
Type: | Keywords:
New badge idea | Has a description: 0
Priority: | Artwork status: None
major | External requirements:
Has a name: | Triaged (triagers only): 0
0 |
Concept approved (reviewers only): |
0 |
Badge definition status: |
Approved (badges admins only) |
Manually awarded: |
0 |
What the badge should be granted for: for attending DevConf?.cz 2016, we
will have a QR code at the Fedora booth.
Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):
You attended DevConf?.cz 2016.
We can use the design from the last year, just change the year:
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/510>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app
#511: DevConf.cz 2017 Speaker
Reporter: | Owner:
frantisekz | Status: new
Type: | Keywords:
New badge idea | Has a description: 0
Priority: | Artwork status: None
major | External requirements:
Has a name: | Triaged (triagers only): 0
0 |
Concept approved (reviewers only): |
0 |
Badge definition status: |
Approved (badges admins only) |
Manually awarded: |
0 |
What the badge should be granted for: for delivering a talk at DevConf.cz
2017, we'll give it to speakers manually, that's why I want to be an admin
of this badge.
Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):
You delivered a talk at DevConf.cz 2017.
We can use the design from the last year, just change the year:
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/511>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app
#516: New badge - DotNet SIG
Reporter: | Owner:
rhea | Status: new
Type: | Keywords: sig
New badge idea | Has a description: 1
Priority: | Artwork status: Proposed
minor | External requirements:
Has a name: | Triaged (triagers only): 0
1 |
Concept approved (reviewers only): |
0 |
Badge definition status: |
Full, needs review |
Manually awarded: |
0 |
Hey guys!
I'd like to ask for a new badge for our sig, see details below or the
soon-attached definition file =)
'''Badge title:''' DotNet SIG
'''Badge description:''' You're a member of the DotNet Special Interest
'''Graphics:''' https://ttorling.fedorapeople.org/dotnet-sig-badge/dotnet-
'''Criteria:''' Member of the dotnet-sig FAS group.
''Help the badges team understand what this idea is all about. If this
badge is awarded for certain kinds of activities:
1) What are those activities?
2) Who is doing them (are they packagers? translators? newcomers?
veterans? users? sponsors?)
3) Why are they doing them (is this a means to a different end?)
4) When do they do them (every day? once a year?)
5) How do they do them (by talking in IRC? by running commands in the
console? by using a web interface?)''
The dotnet team is working towards building and packaging dotnet core
packages for Fedora.
''I did fill in the trigger and criteria, i'm not 100% sure though.''
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/516>
fedora-badges <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>
A place to collect and debate badge ideas for the Fedora Badges app
Hey all,
We are moving the meeting this week to Friday, 1/20, 7-8 AM EST.
On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 2:00 AM <jflory7(a)fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Dear all,
> You are kindly invited to the meeting:
> Fedora Badges Team Meeting on 2017-01-18 from 07:00:00 to 08:00:00
> US/Eastern
> At fedora-meeting-1(a)irc.freenode.net
> The meeting will be about:
> The Fedora Badges team meets every other week to work through existing
> badge tickets, discuss any open issues, and review any requests related to
> the design of Fedora Badges.
> If you're looking at getting started with designing Fedora Badges, feel
> free to stop by and say hello! Be sure to check out the [style guide](
> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/attachment/wiki/DesignResources/styl…)
> and the [design resources](
> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/attachment/wiki/DesignResources/Fedo…)
> for getting started.
> More information available at:
> [
> https://badges.fedoraproject.org/about](https://badges.fedoraproject.org/ab…
> Source: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/4896/
> _______________________________________________
> design-team mailing list -- design-team(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to design-team-leave(a)lists.fedoraproject.org