Hi all,
Tonight, Marie and I had an in-person Badges sprint today and one of the
things we discussed was migrating the badges(a)lists.fp.o mailing list to
a new Discourse category on discussion.fedoraproject.org.
CommOps and a few other sub-projects have switched, and others like the
Fedora Council are weighing the possibility too. We hope it might make
discussions around Fedora Badges more visible and hopefully encourage
more people to participate (it wasn't until Marie posted to this list
that I realized it existed, or that I was subscribed to it).
What do you all say? Is anyone interested in trying this out?
Justin W. Flory
Well no. Pagure makes sense bc it's the main status tracking mechanism and integrates everything together. Not that it's ideal for mail.
It does cause other issues. Bc pagure has its own mail system based on FAS (rather than list fwd as BZ does), I cannot control on project by project basis my mail delivery prefs. BC of limited @redhat.com mail quota I pay for 3rd party email for my fedoraproject.org emails, and I do not follow that acct as closely bc of the sheer volume (my github and gitlab mail goes to same acct.) There are a a handful of pagure projs Id like delivered to my rh mail but have no control to do that.
Bc mailman is centered on delivering mails, it has far more opts for configuring in such a scenario.
@ tagging me does no good bc of this. If I notice it at all it'll take a few days.
I dont know if it makes sense to shut down the list or ban discussion on it, what good would it do?
Sent from my phone, not an iphone.
-------- Original message --------From: Matthew Miller <mattdm(a)fedoraproject.org> Date: 10/18/18 5:43 AM (GMT-08:00) To: Fedora Design Team <design-team(a)lists.fedoraproject.org> Cc: badges(a)lists.fedoraproject.org, "Justin W. Flory" <jflory7(a)gmail.com> Subject: [Design-team] Re: Fedora Badges: Switching from badges(a)lists.fp.o list to Discourse?
On Sat, Oct 13, 2018 at 12:10:43AM -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> The Badges team is ticket driven. Discussions happen in Pagure. Newbies
> are oriented via the Design team new member process and are often pointed
> to the Badges Pagure queue to find an initial task to work on. Your
> observations about activity on the badge list, Justin, evidence this.
This is interesting. I assume that the team switched to having Pagure be the
focus for discussion for some of the reasons that Discourse appeals: the
ability to upload and display graphics inline (without the... challenges...
of HTML mail), @tagging people, and so on.
I have a different proposal, then... why not shut down the badges list, and
just direct people to Pagure? Or, keep the list, but change the description
to note that it's for announcements rather than discussion?
Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
design-team mailing list -- design-team(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
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On 9/24/18 11:43 AM, Brian (bex) Exelbierd wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 1:32 AM Justin W. Flory <jflory7(a)gmail.com
> <mailto:jflory7@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi! I've been thinking about this thread for a while.
> This is great feedback and I wonder how we could try to improve the
> contributing experience for Fedora Badges. In 2015, an early idea was to
> equip CommOps to work with the Design Team on creating and establishing
> badge policy and strategy. Perhaps we could revisit this again.
> I'd like to figure out where we can begin tracking this feedback and
> organize an effort to address some of these.
> (One example on my mind is hosting a docs.fedoraproject.org
> <http://docs.fedoraproject.org> page on
> Fedora Badges to explain policy and badge rules. It could also be a "new
> home" for the style guide.)
> I agree that getting this documented is key.
> Marie, would it be helpful if we worked together to get a docs repo set
> up for badges. It can be in the existing badge repo. This would allow
> the policy to be published and commented on easily.
From my point of view as a Badges sysadmin, I am a big +1 to getting a
docs.fp.o Badges section set up.
Justin W. Flory
Hello all,
Could someone familiar with the Antora pipeline review my pull request
to add a new repository for the Fedora Badges team to docs.fp.o?
We want to set up a new dedicated section for Fedora Badges resources
and migrate content we had on Trac. I wanted to get feedback that the PR
is a correct implementation.
Justin W. Flory