#415: "Botsmith" - Contributed to IRC bot zodbot -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Reporter: jflory7 | Owner: Type: New badge | Status: idea | assigned Priority: minor | Resolution: Keywords: IRC | Has a name: Has a description: 1 | 1 Artwork status: Proposed | Concept approved (reviewers only): External requirements: | 1 Triaged (triagers only): 1 | Badge definition status: | None | Manually awarded: | 0 -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Changes (by jflory7):
* owner: elioqoshi =>
**Discussed in [https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora- meeting-1/2016-11-02/fedora_badges.2016-11-02-11.05.html 2016-10-03 meeting].**
This badge came up in the meeting this morning, and since it's been a while since any changes, it was decided it might be best to put this one back onto the plate for anyone else to try tackling in the future. Elio, if you would like to take this badge back up, please feel free to take it back up. :)