#407: "Member of the Club" - Join first sponsored group in FAS -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Reporter: jflory7 | Owner: Type: New badge | elioqoshi idea | Status: Priority: minor | assigned Keywords: fas | Resolution: Has a description: 1 | Has a name: Artwork status: Proposed | 1 External requirements: | Concept approved (reviewers only): Triaged (triagers only): 1 | 1 | Badge definition status: | Partial | Manually awarded: | 0 -------------------------------------+-------------------------------------
Comment (by duffy):
member of the club ideas from pingou:
* (1) pandas waving from a clubhouse / treehouse (inviting you to the club) * (2) panda membership card (now you're a member, welcome!) * (3) pandas giving a t-shirt (thank you for your membership) * (4) two pandas with panda tattoos on their upper arm (part of the gang) * (5) pandas dancing around the maypole?