#386: Parselmouth -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Reporter: | Owner: churchyard | Status: Type: New badge | new idea | Resolution: Priority: minor | Has a name: Keywords: python | 1 Has a description: 1 | Concept approved (reviewers only): Artwork status: Proposed | 0 External requirements: | Badge definition status: Triaged (triagers only): 0 | Full, needs review | Manually awarded: | 0 -------------------------------------+-------------------------------------
Comment (by churchyard):
Parselmouth is actually a HP connection. It's the person. Parseltongue is the language. An individual who can speak Parseltongue is known as a Parselmouth. http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Parseltongue
bkabrda, rkuska, and mstuchli will have the rights, yes. The idea is that they will give the badge to as much people who helped they could think about. If they forget someone, that parson can ask them to receive the badge because <whatever> and they will actually know, if that's true.