#415: "Botsmith" - Contributed to IRC bot zodbot -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Reporter: jflory7 | Owner: Type: New badge | elioqoshi idea | Status: Priority: minor | assigned Keywords: IRC | Resolution: Has a description: 1 | Has a name: Artwork status: Proposed | 1 External requirements: | Concept approved (reviewers only): Triaged (triagers only): 1 | 1 | Badge definition status: | None | Manually awarded: | 0 -------------------------------------+-------------------------------------
Comment (by riecatnor):
@elioqoshi, thanks for your work on this ticket. I think that although the badge artwork fits guidelines aesthetically, I don't think the working on the bot concept is coming through. Perhaps we could try a concept where it is a blue print of the bot with little notes and arrows pointing at different parts. Another idea would be to have a panda working on a robot, but that is a bit more complex.