#393: Metabadges -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Reporter: | Owner: churchyard | Status: new Type: | Keywords: New badge idea | Has a description: 0 Priority: | Artwork status: None minor | External requirements: Has a name: | Triaged (triagers only): 0 0 | Concept approved (reviewers only): | 0 | Badge definition status: | None | Manually awarded: | 0 | -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- So I got this idea about Metabadges, thet you would get for collecting badges.
The idea is that we would tag all our badges with what's on them (panda, badges, snake, transport device, etc...) (I'm willing to do that). And users could get badges for collecting X badges with certain thing on it.
This would require us to expose tags in Tahrir API which we currently don't do; also in the fedmsg (which currently we probably also don't do, but I'm not sure).
My ideas:
* Metapanda * Metabadger * Metasnake * Metanumber (for badges with numbers on them) * Metatransport * Metawrite (for badges with things you can write with) * Metahat (for badges with characters with something on their heads)
The exact numbers would a little less than maximum of badges we currently have with that thing, that would get counted after the badges are tagged.
#393: Metabadges -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Reporter: | Owner: churchyard | Status: Type: New badge | new idea | Resolution: Priority: minor | Has a name: Keywords: | 0 Has a description: 0 | Concept approved (reviewers only): Artwork status: None | 0 External requirements: | Badge definition status: Triaged (triagers only): 0 | None | Manually awarded: | 0 -------------------------------------+-------------------------------------
Comment (by churchyard):
Graphics idea: Badge with panda/badger/etc. inside of a badge.
#393: Metabadges -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Reporter: | Owner: churchyard | Status: Type: New badge | new idea | Resolution: Priority: minor | Has a name: Keywords: | 0 Has a description: 0 | Concept approved (reviewers only): Artwork status: None | 0 External requirements: | Badge definition status: Triaged (triagers only): 0 | None | Manually awarded: | 0 -------------------------------------+-------------------------------------
Comment (by churchyard):
Bad idea?
#393: Metabadges -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Reporter: | Owner: churchyard | Status: Type: New badge | new idea | Resolution: Priority: minor | Has a name: Keywords: | 0 Has a description: 0 | Concept approved (reviewers only): Artwork status: None | 0 External requirements: | Badge definition status: Triaged (triagers only): 0 | None | Manually awarded: | 0 -------------------------------------+-------------------------------------
Comment (by riecatnor):
Concept: Straight view of badger, wearing a badge with each "category" on that badge
#393: Metabadges -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Reporter: | Owner: churchyard | Status: Type: New badge | new idea | Resolution: Priority: minor | Has a name: Keywords: | 1 Has a description: 0 | Concept approved (reviewers only): Artwork status: Concept | 1 External requirements: | Badge definition status: Triaged (triagers only): 1 | None | Manually awarded: | 0 -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Changes (by jflory7):
* cc: ralph, sayanchowdhury (added) * has_name: 0 => 1 * triaged: 0 => 1 * has_artwork: None => Concept * concept_review_passed: 0 => 1
**Discussed in [https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora- meeting-1/2016-11-02/fedora_badges.2016-11-02-11.05.html 2016-10-03 meeting].**
Triaging ticket from latest feedback. Before proceeding on this one, I would definitely wait for feedback from a fedmsg guru to see if something like this is possible, and if not now, what kind of work would have to be done to make this happen.