JFYI: -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Mozilla Backpack is now Badgr Backpack Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 13:14:22 +0000 From: badges@mozillafoundation.org
Mozilla Backpack is now Badgr Backpack Mozilla Backpack is now Badgr Backpack
Mozilla is retiring its Open Badges Backpack platform and helping users move their badges to Badgr. We're immensely proud of the work we've done on Open Badges over the years, and Mozilla will continue to be an Open Badges champion. Going forward, we believe Concentric Sky and the free and open-source Badgr platform are the best stewards for the community. Mozilla will shutdown the Backpack platform by August 22, 2019. You can read more about the change here <https://support.badgr.com/portal/kb/articles/mozilla-backpack-transition-to-...
What's Next? *Here's what's changing:* We are retiring the Mozilla Backpack and transitioning to Badgr Backpack. *How will this impact you?* You will need to follow these three steps to make the transition to Badgr: *1.* Download the attached zip file. It contains all of the badges awarded to your Mozilla account.
*2.* Access Badgr. It's free and easy. Access Badgr https://issuerjs.backpack.openbadges.org.badgr.io/#/select-server
*3.* Earn your first Badgr badge in less than 5 min. Promise. Earn a Badge https://explore.badgr.io/
Why Badgr? Badgr has all the same features as Mozilla Backpack, plus more. Badgr gives users complete control over their achievements and data, so they can organize and share all their badges from one place. Users can even create and award badges for free. For more information, visit Badgr.com https://badgr.com/.