#497: Planet badges should be in "Content Badges" -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Reporter: | Owner: jibecfed | Status: new Type: | Keywords: Bug report | Has a description: 0 Priority: | Artwork status: None minor | External requirements: Has a name: | Triaged (triagers only): 0 0 | Concept approved (reviewers only): | 0 | Badge definition status: | None | Manually awarded: | 0 | -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Hi,
I feel like Planet badges should be in content badges, is there a reason why it isn't ?
thanks for your help
#497: Planet badges should be in "Content Badges" -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Reporter: jibecfed | Owner: Type: Bug | jflory7 report | Status: Priority: minor | accepted Keywords: | Resolution: Has a description: 0 | Has a name: Artwork status: None | 0 External requirements: | Concept approved (reviewers only): Triaged (triagers only): 1 | 0 | Badge definition status: | None | Manually awarded: | 0 -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Changes (by jflory7):
* cc: riecatnor, mleonova, duffy (added) * owner: => jflory7 * triaged: 0 => 1 * status: new => accepted
**Discussed in [https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora- meeting/2016-12-01/badges.2016-12-01-18.59.html 2016-12-01 meeting].**
Today, Sayan and I did a triage of all existing bug tickets in preparation for the planned revamp of Tahrir in coming months. For this ticket, I feel like it does make sense for Fedora Planet badges to also be categorized as Content badges. To be sure, I am CCing some Design Team members to this ticket to add their thoughts, and if they also agree, we will need to change the ring colors around all of the Planet badges to match the "Content" category.
#497: Planet badges should be in "Content Badges" -------------------------------------+------------------------------------- Reporter: jibecfed | Owner: Type: Bug | jflory7 report | Status: Priority: minor | accepted Keywords: | Resolution: Has a description: 0 | Has a name: Artwork status: None | 0 External requirements: | Concept approved (reviewers only): Triaged (triagers only): 1 | 0 | Badge definition status: | None | Manually awarded: | 0 -------------------------------------+-------------------------------------
Comment (by mleonova):
Hi! No objections here! Can you please provide a list of the badges, that need to be changed?