On Thu 19 Jun 2014 11:02:39 AM ADT, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 06/19/2014 02:59 PM, Devan Goodwin wrote:
>> On Thu 19 Jun 2014 10:10:22 AM ADT, Karanbir Singh wrote:
>>> On 06/19/2014 12:06 PM, Devan Goodwin wrote:
>>>> I wouldn't say it has to be part of base install but available
>>>> optionally would be ideal, though base install might be good
>>>> too.
>>>> We can provide a patch that would shut down any "You are not
>>>> registered to Red Hat" nagging if that is helpful.
>>> this would be totally awesome, could you post the patch to the
>>> centos-devel list please ?
>>> http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2014-June/010757.html
>>> is a workflow we are using for patches.
>>> Let me know if there is anything else I can do from this side.
>>> We are prep'ing to have the patches done and all builds in
>>> release grade state by close of play on Friday ( its a bit
>>> ambitious, but a target none the less ).
>>> - KB
>> Ok can we go with "not installed by default but available in repos"
>> and with nagging still in place? We're a bit too swamped to get a
>> patch ready in that timeframe.
> If i can get a patch togther, could someone look and say yes/no ?
> - --
> Karanbir Singh, Project Lead, The CentOS Project
> +44-207-0999389 | http://www.centos.org/ | twitter.com/CentOS
> GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
> iEYEARECAAYFAlOi7X8ACgkQMA29nj4Tz1vTcACgg3mH2K9dWuI7yANrbH+vqLzW
> zSoAn2k0yguxveaziuvH245DxJDTNjUA
> =A5Zs
Yes definitely. It would involve two components, one is the nagging
when running yum plugin (very easy), the other is the GUI nagging which
you can see if you grep the codebase for rhsm-icon.
Ideally I'd love to see it someday checking if RHEL or not and
automatically disabling nagging, then we could merge to master and no
custom patch required.
On Thu 19 Jun 2014 10:10:22 AM ADT, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> On 06/19/2014 12:06 PM, Devan Goodwin wrote:
>> I wouldn't say it has to be part of base install but available
>> optionally would be ideal, though base install might be good too.
>> We can provide a patch that would shut down any "You are not registered
>> to Red Hat" nagging if that is helpful.
> this would be totally awesome, could you post the patch to the
> centos-devel list please ?
> http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2014-June/010757.html is
> a workflow we are using for patches.
> Let me know if there is anything else I can do from this side.
> We are prep'ing to have the patches done and all builds in release grade
> state by close of play on Friday ( its a bit ambitious, but a target
> none the less ).
> - KB
Ok can we go with "not installed by default but available in repos" and
with nagging still in place? We're a bit too swamped to get a patch
ready in that timeframe.
I'm no longer in Spacewalk team.
I'm forwarding it to spacewalk-devel, which care about rhn-client-tools.
And to candlepin, which care about RHSM.
Guys, if you want to have your packages in CentOS, act now! Otherwise they will be removed as in CentOS-5/6.
On 06/18/2014 05:33 PM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Miroslav,
> I know we had this conversation for CentOS-5/6 - now its time to have
> the same one for CentOS-7, the thread kicked off a short while back,
> I've attached my email here.
> Would be great to get your feedback on the list, and we can then use
> that to workout howto deliver this into CentOS-7
> thanks
> - -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [CentOS-devel] rhn tools and subscription manager
> Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 14:59:18 +0100
> From: Karanbir Singh <mail-lists(a)karan.org>
> Reply-To: The CentOS developers mailing list. <centos-devel(a)centos.org>
> To: centos-devel(a)centos.org
> Hi
> Yup, its that question again : do we want to leave, but
> patch-to-non-functional the rhn and subscription-manager tools in the
> distro. I know its useful to some projects to leave in, but do they care ?
> - - KB
> - --
> Karanbir Singh
> +44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
> GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc
> _______________________________________________
> CentOS-devel mailing list
> CentOS-devel(a)centos.org
> http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-devel
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
> iEYEARECAAYFAlOhsWYACgkQMA29nj4Tz1tvRQCfT4uk0C6PM8DmCuO72iBcD10g
> ZwYAnREcDHvr7f/2PEz2CUdSQqyrj+Va
> =O9+/
Miroslav Suchy, RHCE, RHCDS
Red Hat, Senior Software Engineer, #brno, #devexp, #fedora-buildsys