Hi folks,
At Tuesday's meeting FESCo requested that we contact various VPS
providers that don't offer recent versions of Fedora with nicely-worded
emails that ask them to consider offering F12. Ideally they would like
some sort of "Contact VPS Provider" SOP, but for now perhaps we can come
up with a plan to gently nudge them toward using the images we provide
once we have them available. Any thoughts? Suggestions?
The relevant part of the FESCo meeting transcript follows.
(15:15:07) nirik: fes ticket 1 Investigate Fedora versions in VPS
providers - mmcgrath did this. The major providers do offer Fedora 12.
(15:15:16) notting: any ideas for how to promote this more?
(15:15:17) gholms: Amazon doesn't.
(15:15:21) dgilmore: people should only take tasks they are capable of
(15:15:32) nirik: gholms: yeah, noted. being worked on.
(15:15:50) nirik: fes ticket 2: SIGs roundup and pinging - jds2001 is
working on this.
(15:16:18) nirik: fes ticket 3: Fedora as Android Development platform -
mmcgrath was going to look at this.
(15:16:28) Kevin_Kofler: Linode has only F11. :-(
(15:16:53) nirik: Kevin_Kofler: yeah, at least it's a supported release
(15:16:54) Kevin_Kofler: You can upload any arbitrary VM image yourself,
but they don't have F12 as a premade offering.
(15:17:18) nirik: we could send them a nicely worded email asking them
to provide a f12 instance.
(15:17:46) nirik: and/or pass this info off to the cloud-sig to do so.
(15:17:54) gholms: Should I bring that up at the cloud-sig meeting?
(15:18:19) dgilmore: i thought we were working on creating ec2 images as
part of the f13 release process
(15:18:36) dgilmore: so while it sucks that there is not f12 images
(15:18:39) gholms: We are; it's still a work in progress.
(15:18:43) nirik: gholms: please do. Perhaps a "contact VPS provider"
SOP could come out of it?
(15:18:48) dgilmore: going forward we will upload official images
(15:19:17) gholms: I'm a bit concerned about the sheer number of VPSs
out there.
(15:19:28) gholms: Who do we contact, whose image formats do we supply, etc.
(15:19:38) ***nirik notes these are the kind of proactive things I would
like to see happen more rather than just us reacting to exising things.
(15:20:07) nirik: gholms: sure, it's a open question... but I think we
could open a dialog with them... and/or see what the cloud sig can do.
(15:20:38) gholms: How do we initiate such a dialog?
(15:20:46) nirik: so, do we add more tickets and advertise? who adds
tickets? anyone in fesco? anyone?
(15:21:11) gholms: (Sorry for straying off-topic; I'll wait for open floor)
(15:22:14) nirik: gholms: a nicely worded email to start with I would
say? "Dear VPS provider, we noticed you provide Fedora 10 and 9, those
releases are end of life. Would you consider offering F12? Would you
like assistance in making an image for your needs? we have a f12 image
in format X,Y,Z available. Please contact cloud-sig@ if you have questions"
(15:22:34) ajax: (i'm adding some ideas to the fes trac. typing is slow.)